Breaking Bad tattoos

Although tattoos can indeed be incredibly stupid, and IMO it’s quite a job to come up with something that I’d consider worthwhile, this sort of comment always profoundly annoys me.

Incredibly stupid according to who? You’re obviously not the one getting the tatts, so who gives a damn what you think? Would you be so quick to call a masterful tattoo of say, Michelangelo’s David ‘incredibly stupid’? Because if so, I’m pretty sure anyone even mildly interested in tattoos would be completely uninterested in anything you have to say on the matter…

There are no shortage of folks who regard BB as the greatest thing ever to be broadcast, and now that telly is becoming an old medium, I think that means it’s pretty safe to say Breaking Bad indubitably qualifies as High Art.

And this…

…this is an homage par fucking excellence.

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