Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2018/09/20/brett-kavanaugh-wins-coveted-r.html
Well, he already has dRumph’s endorsement. It doesn’t get and worse than that, in my mind. We all know what a wonderful judge of character Cadet Bonespurs is.
Whether it’s a poison pill or a toxic endorsement it’s done its job. All I can think of now is that we need to start checking mall security records in areas where Kavanaugh has lived and perhaps call in the gentleman from the Mossad nottheMossad.
Wow, that’s quite a persuasive endorsement. Do you think he could also land one from Bill Cosby?
yet ANOTHER headline that I was sure was an Onion article or Andy Borowitz joke.
Reading the following vague headline I had a moment of hope that perhaps evangelicals were finally getting it. But it was a moment that quickly passed.
Ralph Reed, the boy who never grew up, but was cursed by a witch and turned into a gnome.
Caution is only temporary. “What they’ve learned in 27 years is to play it cool for 24 hours” -TheDailyBeast
Q: What would a Roy Moore stamp of approval look like?
My guess:
[although the breasts are probably a bit large for his tastes]
Because he respects a man who knows a thing or two about horseplay?
“I’m Roy Moore, and I approve this rapist.”
Its not that Roy approves of Brett, its just Roy trying to offer more proof that the Dems are falsely accusing Reps.
According to Senate rules, if Democrats are ever found to have made one accusation of sexual assault that doesn’t pan out then all previous accusations are vacated and Roy Moore is retroactively awarded Doug Jones’ seat.
It’s like that old gum commercial:
Three out of four rapists/pedos prefer Kavanuagh.
Asshole’s endorsement of Fucktard is all you need to know about these two immoral, imbecilic morons.
Not just Moore.
I really am continually amazed that while Kavanaugh is going around protesting his absolute innocence, most of his biggest water-carriers are instead going with the argument of “it’s fine that this happened.”
So very, very, very much hand-tipping going on.