Brexit and Brexit Accessories

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Hey guys, the commonwealth called, and some of them want to get the band back together!


Gotta have a market for all those fish and New Zealand is ripe for exploitation: they’ve a huge internal market without ready access to the ocean or offshore fisheries. Smart work, real 4D chess that Europe couldn’t keep up with.

Add them together and they take one tenth of Britain’s exports to the EU. The talk from the far right anti Chinese, anti russian think tank is that China exports goods long distances: you don’t want to take on China. The margins aren’t there. Not that Britain manufactures that much anyway since Thatcher decided all that making stuff with unionised workers was old fashioned and instead you should all work at selling magic pixie dust, I mean financial services, to each other.

Also the quote “five years on… has yet to become a serious policy obejective of any of the four governments” and yet “momentum for CANZUK is growing”. Yeah, right. Gotcha. Come back to me boss.



I think the Betteridge’s law of headlines applies here.

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It’s like coal mining in the U.S.


Not that fishing is a dying industry but you mean the net worth of the industry is but a drop in the ocean compared to other industries? Plus of course our imports of fish exceed our exports.

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No way - we know what happens. The UK goes home early and the rest of us have to pick up the bar tab.


Can I just stress yet again about the endless attacks by perfidious Albion and her braying, lying fascist rags on Ireland and blaming us for their shit: nobody was pushing as hard as Ireland for the absolute easiest deal. We are and were the only country that actually gave a shit and wanted them to have an easy ride.

Imagine spending four years kicking your only, your singular friend?

You think Spain cares? France? Germany? Let’s not even mention places that never thought about England until they joined the EU that Britain was in.


You stupid fuckers.

I’m now calling it for a no deal as the most likely outcome or i’m just too angry to even fucking think straight. Arseholes.


Which upcoming US administration will push for annexation of the UK as the 51st state? Or maybe the 51st and 52nd with England and Wales after Scotland secedes and NI goes back to Dublin. I hereby predict…

ETA: Actually, Heinlein predicted this long ago.

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I don’t think so. There may have been appetite for a Canada/US merger in the past but I guarantee you that is no longer something Canadians would consider, given how the last four years of US rule has been.

A combined US/UK trade agreement with Canada would sit just fine with me, especially if there are grownups on the US side again.

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That’s an interesting article but your miner fetish and our “Fight for fish!” are a bit different.

According to the article (and my own memory confirms) you’ve been mythologising miners for a long time.

This fish thing is very new to us. I’d say that having a UK politician who wasn’t actually from Grimsby or Cornwall or Shetland or somewhere equally meaningless (in a political sense) talk about fishing would have been extremely unusual pre referendum And there would have been no chance of having a conservative minister not from Ag and Fish or whatever they were calling it that week even pretend to give a toss about fishing.

We certainly don’t have the mythological aspect of the ‘hardworking’, ‘heroic’ fisherman.

There used to be some of that see for ex.:

but nowadays in the before times - between Maggie and Cameron, we all know knew that fishermen are just lazy, insufficiently entrepreneurial and lacking in bootstraps. If they had any nous, they’d have fucked off to London and become city traders like any sensible chap.

It’s rather disconcerting to learn that really rather than having been deliberately fucked over by generations of national public policy and our complete lack of interest in actually eating fish that isn’t cod or haddock covered in some form of flour coating, fishermen have all along in fact been responsible for our most vital industry.

Still despite now being recast as stalwart defenders of our national sovereignty and upholders of our glorious maritime heritage, we still don’t pretend they’re not just, you know, working class people.

I hear some of them can’t even afford a second home in the Cotswolds and -gasp- some of them don’t even know a single oligarch willing to lend them a few million quid.

Still, it’s good practice. After all we have always been at war with Eurasia haven’t we?

No doubt we will get to your point soon.


Well the mood is more hopeful.

More twists to await no doubt.

ETA obviously I’d be happy if we threw them some fish* right now but let’s see what the French think.

Obviously I think the *fish will actually be more in the way of money.