Brexit, by a Serbian "fake Briton"

I know many people that have since the referendum. It’s only sensible if you are worried about the future.

More the merrier. The giant ongoing recession has cost us a couple of hundred thousand emigrés, typically 20s to 30s and we went from being a rare example of a European country that didn’t need immigration for structural/demographic reasons to another that does.

Obviously our economy is dependent on immigration for some of the most important industries we have.

For me, the lack of a strong European myth is exactly what made it so much easier to see myself as European than as British. There’s no part of me with the slightest desire to wave any national flag, but if I had to, I would rather wave a European flag-- which stands for nothing except that I live in a place with 500 million other people who are no better or worse than me-- than wave a British flag, with all the delusional, obnoxious fantasies attached to that.

I think a lot of the other people who felt like they were shot through the heart last week will understand roughly what I mean, while those who voted to do this to us will be totally baffled. Even the “Remain” campaign was built on jingoism-- “Britain Stronger in Europe”, the colours of the British flag-- as though it were simply beyond the human imagination to see how anything else could matter to anyone who happened to live on this island.


Amazing. You don’t live in California, and know nothing of it. You talk about bigots, racists, and so on, but I’ll bet you a dime on the dollar you have never been to the California Central Valley and seen the screaming poverty from your so called paradise (never mind the poverty in locations in San Diego and Los Angeles). Ironic that you should mention France, with its burgeoning Islamic population. At least its only the craziest hispanics who want Atzlan here (most have just been so permeated in the leftism of their home countries that they don’t know any different, but are in general hard workers who were tempted to a land of milk and honey - one that they can’t afford to live in and one where there is often a decent chance their kids will end up in gangs as opposed to going to College…)

Unless you are in high tech, the State of California works very hard to make sure your business closes up, with its draconian energy regulations, making their situation worse. You hail from New England, which is about as homogeneous a culture as I have ever encountered, and have never encountered the insanity of a state government like California - although I’m sure your elites are looking on with interest!

My wife is Serbian, and she doesn’t like what the EU has done either. The EU stifles jobs with overweening regulations that choke out all but big businesses like weeds (big business being able to more than handle regs, and being tied in a kleptocratic tie to the governing masses, likes things that destroy their competition). In that way, it really is like California.

I have no problem with someone like the author coming to the US (although its interesting that he is from the ruling elite, and his mom at least worked for Tito) so I’m guessing he would do nothing but add a little more leftism to the toxic mix that is our elite. So I suppose, welcome aboard! The more the merrier!

Jasmina Tesanovic is a woman, actually… She’s married to Bruce Sterling to boot. They are a fairly international family, with homes here, I think, as well as in Belgrade.


[quote=“bobtato, post:23, topic:80841”] [I] see myself as European than as British.
Same here, (it even says so on the front of our passports).
I was born European, and now it’s been taken away from me :frowning:


The EU stifles jobs with overweening regulations…

Such as…?

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How many will be on Euromyths?


Yeah, that’s exactly what I was thinking.

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The UK doesn’t seek to isolate itself, but rather open itself up from Little Europe, which is just a racket of predominantly white countries.

I am sure putting an end to white people’s rackets is exactly what this was all about.



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