Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2019/03/29/brexit-crisis-church-of-engla.html
I guess I appreciate the attempt… but…
Why didn’t they do this BEFORE the damn referendum…
@nungesser, it worked here!!!
Unless they are atheist of course.
Or Jewish, or Muslim, or Buddhist, or …
As an atheist, though, I do appreciate the effort and it is good to see a mainstream religion trying to bring different kinds of people together, instead of emphasizing differences. If this goes well and lots of different kinds of people attend, it’s the kind of thing that could have real positive impacts, though…
I’m not sure you’re too familiar with the CofE?
Everyone is welcome for tea.
And bible verses and prayers.
At cannibals united, we accept all kinds of people. We will be serving human flesh and talking about how wonderful it is but all are welcome.
Emergency Tea Parties?
I thought you were supposed to be an atheist if you wanted to be a member of the CofE.
“And the bloody Church of England
In chains of history
Requests your earthly presence
At the vicarage for tea.”
[“My God”, Jethro Tull]
“And did those feet in ancient time,
Walk upon Englands mountains green:
And was the holy Lamb of God,
On Englands pleasant pastures seen!”
"If Jesus saves, well, He’d better save Himself
From the gory glory seekers who use His name in death
Oh, Jesus, save me!"
Hymn 43, Jethro Tull
Okay maybe they have some idea what they are doing, but an emphasis on respecting differing points of view seems like the last thing anyone needs. How about an emphasis on realizing that we mostly agree and we are all in this together instead? Emphasis on respect for different points of view brings the focus back onto the most divisive possible issue.
And of course the bible passages are just a reflection of that. I could easily meet with a bunch of people of different faiths and bring us together on the things we agree on. The moment you start reading from one holy book or another you’ve made it all about what you don’t agree on, and saying “let’s have respect” while you obviously have no respect for my opinion.
You don’t have to be an atheist to be an Anglican.
But it doesn’t hurt.
I think the Posadists are probably right. Britain is such a mess we will need to nuke ourselves before any alien civilisation becomes interested in us.
Are you sure they haven’t already…