Brianna Wu uploads Gamergate death threat to shame Ohio prosecutor

Sorry, but the “tumblr gamergaters” actually supported and defended Darren Wilson, and even spread outright lies by white supremacist Chuck Johnson in order to do so:

Not a SINGLE one of them, including the one who made the post, was actually willing to say “Spreading around lies made by a white supremacist in order to bully black people is bad”. Because they don’t think it’s bad.

GamerGate was nothing but harassment and abuse from the start. Anyone who was at ANY time a part of GamerGate has basically said “Well, I’m willing to support rapists, white supremacists, holocaust deniers, and all other sorts, just so less videogames get made that I don’t like.”

There is no excuse for ANY of this behavior.

I’ve seen my friends get a LOT of harassment, slurs, and abuse thrown at them from “tumblr GamerGaters”, so I refuse to accept any sort of language that attempts to frame them as somehow less bad.

Going on the GG tag on tumblr and looking at the first GG person it recommends, there’s somebody who is reblogging from and supporting known GG white supremacists, saying there’s “No evidence” that GG has harassed women, and claiming that a man who has LITERALLY SAID that feminists only act like that because they want to be raped is “the most unbiased journalist when it comes to GG”. That’s the top recommended blog. Also ranting about how women constantly lie about rape to make money. And that the death threats mentioned in this BB post were a “delusion” and non-existent. This is the type of stuff you’re trying to push as “not as bad”.

This isn’t a case of a bunch of white supremacists and Nazis taking advantage of people by misleading them. This is a case of people choosing to purposefully follow and support violent abusers. Attempting to portray it otherwise minimizes the actual damage and harassment done, insulting the victims, and doesn’t properly hold people responsible for the actions they’re taking.


I believe it’s more about the fact that is was started from a slanderous blog post from an angry ex than anything else, and how bigots used that to push their oppressive agenda. There’s no excuse to harass anyone anyways, and the whole “ethics in Journalism” is trivial compared to the desperate need of a revolution against the elites (majority, of which, identified as white cis males).

It seems you have a personal agenda against the movement and just about anything the encourage harassing behaviour. You’re not alone though; as I mention before, this is Leigh Alexander’s Turf. Any support of just about anything that gain support from bigots is highly discouraged here, especially Gamergame. In fact, hate to be a back seat mod, as far as boing boing community concerned, Gamergate is a hate group, and everyone who support it is a bigot, NO IF AND/OR BUTS ABOUT IT.

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The most popular post currently (posted by user a…x) is a user who outright posts tons of anti-Semitism on his blog, portraying anyone he doesn’t like as evil, greedy Jews, and it takes me about 5 seconds of scrolling down to see him posting a link from Charles Johnson, admitted white supremacist who routinely spreads lies about black murder victims so he can make money.

The most recent directly GG post I can see currently (posted by user m…f) is defending a guy who openly says women should have to hide themselves from any public appearance due to harassment and that’s OK and has a history of verbally abusing his employees to the point they needed goddamn safewords - cool things to do, according to GG. The person who posted it is somebody who attacks female game streamers, defends lying trolls, reblogs from people who have made rape threats against others, and insults people for not being his ideal body type, and has a post praising people who specifically make it their goal to target and bully marginalized teens. Oh, and he claims there’s no harassment and GG, defends people who post revenge porn, and thinks people who support women against GG’s harassment should be forced out of the game industry.

The top recommended blog currently (user g…s) has no problems accusing rape victims of lying to make money, and reblogs from several tumblr users who are white supremacists, including the one I mentioned in my tumblr post linked above.

You not seeing what I “seem to” is a reflection on you, and your inability to notice racism when it’s staring you in the face.

Also, anyone who would name themselves or change their avatar to be like RogueStar (which a HUGE number of GGers have) is complete scum - this is a guy who started a betting pool on who he could get to commit suicide first.

EDIT: Two of the constantly reblogged people on tumblr that are GGers are (s…l) who is a massive anti-black racist and transphobe, as well as (s…c) who is just an all around pro-bigotry harassing asshole. I’m not naming names to avoid google searches and to not participate in harassment myself, but the fact that these two people have gotten hugely popular while outright arguing there’s nothing wrong with saying trans women deserve to be beaten to death or that black people deserve to be shot, is all the proof anyone should need that there are NO good GGers. And no, I’m not going to dig up specific quotes and troll through their blogs of pure bigotry and bile to prove this, because it isn’t worth my time.

If you want to make the argument that there’s anyone in this group that’s worth showing even the slightest bit of sympathy towards, I’ll leave it up to you to provide some actual evidence of that. Because all evidence otherwise points to “Is in favor of harassment, murder, and rape”. And I’ll leave it to you to show ONE counter-example.


I don’t understand your point. “Hate groups” should be observed within reason, but beyond ensuring that their members aren’t committing harassment and stalking others, that’s where it ends. Much of hatespeech (and harassment, for what it matters) is legal in the US.

Thankfully, reporting on hatemongers and their preferred means of attack is also legal.

It’s not about “ethics in gaming journalism”, it’s a place for adult children to seethe about women and “SJWs”, so yes. It is inherently a hate group.

They hate feminism, they hate women and allies, they hate people who speak out against them, they are a cancer on the internet and greater society.

Obviously you believe the well-earned reputation they have justifies GG’s behavior and rhetoric, which is a nice bit of circular reasoning.

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You can’t, and here’s why:

Everything GamerGate done is to spite Zoe Quinn, Anita Sarkeesian, and Leigh Alexander. Regardless of what good they do, or who they consists, it will always be a label for those who wanted to slander those who advocate Social Justice in Pop culture. In fact, this isn’t even about Pop Culture at all; It’s about those who feel threatened by what they believe to be a “social justice revolution” is coming, and it will dismantle all of society as they know it.

So yeah, the ONLY thing GamerGate is good for is to highlight the HATRED and DOMINANCE the WHITE MEN have in POP CULTURE as a WHOLE, just by being simply TOOLS for those people.


GamerGate is not so much a “movement” as a place for disaffected persons to band together under.

Some with jerk activities (harassment, death threats, doxing, false flag shitheadery), some with horrible beliefs about women and mens’ roles in society, racism, etc (that may rightly get marginalized for them.)

It’s not exactly a monoculture, but there are plenty of commonalities. And the banner and participation in “GamerGate” reflects poorly on participants.

Since the “ethics in gaming journalism” is based on false premises and has no continued truth behind it since inception, one must ask oneself why they are truly supporting GG’s aims, methods, and where the fuck their goals are.

Because again, the stated goals and the methods/concerns of GG never meet up in reality. We’d all at least be on the same page if GG lost the pretense of “ethics” and admitted that they dislike progressivism in their nerdry, hate that women have a voice, and that letting women into their little he-man club has thrown them for a loop.


Because again, the stated goals and the methods/concerns of GG never meet up in reality. We’d all at least be on the same page if GG lost the pretense of “ethics” and admitted that they dislike progressivism in their nerdry, hate that women have a voice, and that letting women into their little he-man club has thrown them for a loop.


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They’re banding together and coordinating actions with a political agenda. That’s a movement.

Relatively early on, I said that the GG partisans seemed a lot like fascists. It nagged at me, that I was being hyperbolic. Later, we had the discussion thread on BB about 8chan, etc., in which we saw that a lot of the participants actually identified as fascists.

And then there’s this story I was reading earlier today, about the harassment of a student activist, in London in the UK:

However, the campaign against her subsequently escalated, with attempts to have Ms Mustafa - who is an elected student union officer - ‘sacked’. She has also received death threats, and has been reported to the police.

Following the media coverage, an assortment of Men’s Rights Activists, British fascists, and participants in the misogynist hate campaign gamergate descended on the twitter hashtag #SupportBaharMustafa with a torrent of abuse.

These people are expanding their repertoire of harassment techniques, and developing ties to others on the extreme right.

What this story from Brianna Wu tells me is that all the public statements of support from individuals and groups has not been enough. We need to come up with more effective methods to counter them.

I don’t have much to suggest myself, except that perhaps we should look at antifascist groups.

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There’s a lot of that, but there are also many people who ally themselves with GGers and call themselves that without the action and coordination. Ultimately it’s both an “activist” group who looks to take vengeance against “SJWs” and people who support those activists in their ideological goals.

I’m not necessarily arguing with you here or defending their views, just stating that there are allied persons who do not take participation in campaigns of direct harassment.

But doesn’t participating campaigns such as this encourage such behavior?

Passively, they certainly minimize the behavior and point to (often false-flag sockpuppets from GGers) “crazy SJWs” to justify the actions of their brethren. I’m just saying that not everybody is a foot soldier in their paramilitary wing, even if they’re ultimately participating in a group devoted to fear and hate.

That’s the form of a movement: organized groups and committed individuals at the core, and a penumbra of people mobilized with lesser degrees of involvement and commitment.


Effectively, yes. I’m mostly covering how the participants see themselves alongside their supporting role in the hierarchy.

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I really should have seen how transparent you were from the start - already you’re slipping into the factually untrue GG rhetoric. Tell me, if those people are abusers and racists, what are YOU, seeing as you admitted you were part of a fascist white supremacist movement that sought to harass and hurt others?


You’ll be missed.

Mustafa advanced a niche redefinition of the word ‘racism’ to claim she couldn’t be racist, as if, even accepting that niche redefnition for the sake of argument, it somehow excused bigotry. She used an official Uni twitter account to call some ‘white trash’. And she piled into the hashtag, #killallwhitemen.

Under those circumstances some revulsion is understandable. You can’t simply claim that all any and all objections to her behaviour, for which she’s already partly apologised, constitute ‘harassment’, still less link it somehow to GG.


I don’t think reason is a word in the gamergate dictionary


Whaaat? But they have all these reasons why it’s about ethics in gaming journalism!


The author and Wu are lying - they seek publicity only. See proof here, FROM THE DA THEMSELVES: