Brianna Wu uploads Gamergate death threat to shame Ohio prosecutor

You are having fun with mentions aren’t you?
Yes. I have posted in other threads about it. No I don’t feel the need to jump into this kind of discussion, especially when @anon61221983 and others are much better at stating things than I am.

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@OtherMichael likes to gamify all the things… including mentions.

I think you’re just fine at stating things, BTW. You do you!


Here’s a second source. It doesn’t mean Wu is lying but it does show that no report ever reached the Ohio prosecuting attorney before she started her online campaign to shame him.

What to do with low-credibility, a-dime-a-dozen internet threats…

You can ignore them.
You can report them to the police, who will ignore them on your behalf.
Or you can use them as a cornerstone of a public relations campaign to make your other views more visible. Which can be done, as shown, with amazing mastery we can learn a lot from.


Quick question, as you say these threats are dime-a-dozen: how many times do you have videos talking about how you should be raped and murdered made every month, and how many “journalists” have written completely fabricated hit pieces about you and claimed you only say things because you’re asking to be raped?


This is a pretty good attempt at satiric mockery of the so-called “SJW mindset”.

Almost as good as

Or, are you serious???

Shrugging it off sucks. But every other option sucks more and/or gets costly (if lawyers are involved). Your options are quite limited.

Of course you can spin it PR-wise, and make a huge internet outrage…

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