Bristol newspaper publishes names and photos of local men calling for violence against Greta Thunberg

I partially agree. The missing step is a societal habit of elevating a person so that the become the proxy for arbitrating truth. We do that in today’s media.

It’s a cart and horse thing. People are saying here that you can’t disentangle emotion from science and you can’t disentangle the message from the messenger. Yes, just like a cart doesn’t work so well without the horse. But it does matter which drives which. i.e. Greta and her message is a good thing, but focusing on Greta herself isn’t so healthy.

The asshats threatening her are also one of the results. By media making her the center of the debate, attacking her becomes a way of attacking the message.

Ok, just some background on my unease. I was one of those kids who enjoyed watching Sunday morning talk shows on ABC, CBS, NBS, and PBS. Policy was hotly debated. Wonky stuff. But it transitioned to debates on how the policy is perceived. The whos more than the whats. Politicians scoring points. Now I’m saddened whenever I see any area of debate starting down the same path. It obviously doesn’t bother others to the same degree.

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A social outcast is some one who is cast out of all society and perceived to have no social value. A social outcast is not whomever happens to be the least popular guy on the golf course today. A social outcast will never be president because to run for president even as an unpopular candidate you need social support and advocates who believe in you. Social outcasts by definition do not have this. Trump is not a social outcast. He is a divisive celebrity and powerful political figure whom some people strongly dislike and others mistrust. Still many others strongly support him. That does not a social outcast make.



(1) The Hon. Edward Sebastian Grigg, the heir to Baron Altrincham of Tormarton

(2) David Cameron

(3) Ralph Perry Robinson, a former child actor, designer, furniture-maker

(4) Ewen Fergusson, son of the British ambassador to France, Sir Ewen Fergusson

(5) Matthew Benson, the heir to the Earldom of Wemyss and March

(6) Sebastian James, the son of Lord Northbourne, a major landowner in Kent

(7) Jonathan Ford, the-then president of the [Bullingdon] club

(8) Boris Johnson, the-then president of the Oxford Union

(9) Harry Eastwood, the investment fund consultant


I think you are assuming Johnson is like Trump. That’s not the case. Johnson intentionally pretends to be a buffoon in public believing that will shield them from real scrutiny.

Also, I get where you are coming from on Trump perceiving themselves to be some kind of outcast. But that doesn’t mean that Trump is an outcast. There’s no reason to promote Trump’s mythology.


Fair enough, but I meant the folks who will likely use the info that the newspaper posted to find the assholes in question.

You already know I absolutely agree about not talking shit if you don’t want to deal with the potential consequences; be it in 3D life, or online.



He wasn’t “shunned,” merely disliked because he’s a huge asshole and a tremendous dullard. Even so his money got him access to all manner of A-list celebrities in the world of business, entertainment and politics alike. You don’t exactly have to search far to find pictures of him smiling next to sports legends, movie stars and even Presidents long before he ever ran for office.


Nobody is “for pollution”. But there are tons of folks who think that the world economy is a big game and we’re losing because we don’t let our companies do what they need to do to win. They think environmental regulation just makes industry move out of your country. They couldn’t care less about predictions of doom in 10 years. Their focus is entirely on the next quarter.

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That’s to make environmentalists cry, because sometimes bullies don’t grow up. The pollution is a byproduct of the intent.

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That strikes me as a distinction without a meaningful difference, but whatevs.


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