British Brexiters shocked to find out they might have to get permission to travel to Europe

The Americans already…

Oh, howler monkeys are something else. Never mind.


Nope, we already have problems with violent religious extremists in Europe. We don’t need more.

Caramel au beurre.
There you go.


Maybe they’d be quieter then? :wink:

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When I hear folks talking about “going to Canada”, I think more of a citizenship move rather than just working there until your employment terminates. I have a colleague who did change citizenship, and it was pretty involved.


This post is actually just some anti-Brexiter quoting some other anti-Brexiter about how the second anti-Brexiter is all excited about how shocked he thinks Brexiters will be about putative travel restrictions, and how he is all excited too. No actual shocked Brexiter was referenced in either article.

Consider changing your headline. It makes you look a bit stupid.

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The article references schadenfreude in it’s first sentence. You might want to consider how that works and reevaluate just who has come across as posturing in this instance. In related news, water is wet.

The two articles were dumb enough, but my criticism was not of them but of the headline, which implies the existence of actual shocked Brexiters outside the spiteful fantasies of the articles’ authors.

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