The comment, not his continued bullshit.
I hope all his cronies will attend. ETA, and his militia friends.
Quem mandou matar Marielle? Who had Marielle Franco killed?
Not sure I want to tell the Ark people that I am a devops engineer. Might finish up with a bunch of account executives and hair dressers as crew mates.
Other than the fact he’s still doing it?
There was this funny little moment in the late 18th century. It was in France. There were these funny people who considered themselves superior to their fellow humans, in fact, they called their fellow humans “subjects”. They did the the most curious things to their “subjects”, like they forgot to treat them as humans,
Anyway, a funny thing happened to them…at some point…
That’s numberwang!
I know, it’s the daily mash… but still… WE could have told him that…
It’s kind of telling that every PM or president wants to be a Churchill or whatever, but they don’t want to do the actual hard work of dealing with the problems of our society as they arise… They want to pretend like they are heroic.
I’d rather have an Attlee as PM or President.
Someone who is not known for their speeches or being particularly charismatic, but will quietly get their head down and get the job done.
There is a reason why Churchill lost the 1945 election in a landslide.
There is that, too. the right especially worships Churchill, in part cause he gave a good speech, but in reality… Meh. There were much better PMs in British history.
Anthony Eden! Edward Heath!
I agree, the myth of Churchill is vastly overblown. Had his career ended before the war, he would be be barely remembered, as a turncoat with multiple disasters on his CV. The bungler of Gallipoli, the man who nailed the British economy to the gold standard, forcing the British worker to carry their very own cross of gold through a decidedly non-roaring twenties, before redoubling his harshness when they finally snapped in the General Strike.
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