British curry restaurants say the Tories betrayed them on Brexit

At one time the East End of London had a large, poor, Jewish population as well as the successful people who were making it to suburbs like Golders Green. That poor Jewish population got replaced by a poor Bangladeshi (well, at the time Indian) population. Stereotyping Jews on BB attracts very strong negative attention. Some of what is being said here looks to me like the kind of thing that people were saying about Jews in the late 19th century. I don’t think it’s acceptable. That’s it. I’m sorry if you don’t see the connection.

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I think you are reading into things here. The comments are mainly about working practices within an industry which largely relies on exploiting cheap labour from extremely poor countries. I don’t think any of the comments is per se about Indians. The other end of the spectrum is the Businessman running these curry houses thinking that Brexit would somehow benefit them–which most people would consider deluded.

Similar comments could have be made about pizzerias a few decades ago, which were also exploiting very poor labourers from the South of Italy. They still are, but to a far lesser degree.


I wrote a longer critique, but it all boils down to you introducing
spurious links imputed to others on no evidence. I agree with your views
broadly, but will not apologise for stereotyping curry-house owners who
treat staff as observed above, wherever they may be, nor for observing and
criticising ‘cultural’ attitudes that do not treat women equally.

“People involved in the £4B UK curry industry overwhelmingly backed Brexit on the promise of future easing off of visa requirements for curry chefs from south Asia”

No offense to anyone (ok, some offense), but that was a bit silly, wasn’t it?


Wow, your clever plan to throw a bunch of people under the bus for a profit isn’t working out. Too bad, so sad.


As with much of the fallout around Brexit, I’m hoping that at least some of the people involved are learning a valuable life lesson.

Namely, that when lying Tory scum say they want to help, they’re assuming that you understand that the word “themselves” at the end of the sentence is also implied.


OK. We are on the same page. :slight_smile:

I realised that what was obvious to me in the original post would not be to people ignorant of the Anglo-Indian population of the UK, and the first generation immigrants.
At least nowadays I can remind people who owns Jaguar Land Rover (I did a little work for a Tata subsidiary over 30 years ago, I am unsurprised how far they have come.)

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Don’t even hope.

They largely haven’t. They largely won’t. These attitudes are ingrained in culture and represent not just their ideology but identity.

They’ll hitch their hopes to the next racist assholes that tell them the right lies.

Much like the inevitable economic collapse, it hasn’t even begun to sink in yet…

There’s a reason Blair won by the landslide he did, and it’s nothing to do with his policies. Britain is an inherently Tory country until people realise that they aren’t temporarily embarrassed millionaires and that they are no longer represented by the asset-stripping, cronyist bastards and decide to replace them with whatever the alternative is.

I like Corbyn a great deal but he will never be PM. The equally disgusting Tory gerrymandering and PLP infighting over the last year have more than seen to that. Mark my words though, two elections from now, when everyone has personal experience of how fucked the Tories have made them rather than just Daily Mail lies to go on, they will decide to vote the buggers out.

The challenge, really, is not so much “how do we make Labour a valid alternative to the Tories” (you can’t and shouldn’t) but “how do we ensure that whoever is head of the Labour party when the Tories inevitably lose public confidence isn’t just another Thatcherite with a vaguely red streak.”

Tl;dr: The next ten years of British politics are going to suck.

I’d say England, not Britain.

I don’t think the SNP will go back to being Tartan Tories for a while.


True that. As an Englishman, I wish the SNP would put up a candidate in my constituency…


And when it does they’ll still vote for the same people who ruined them or similar.

No responsibility will be assigned or taken.

Emigrate. When it first unfolded I was horrified but now, as an economic migrant who is earning money in a different currency, I’m just looking forward to the day I can pay back my student loan with the change I find down the back of the sofa…


[quote=“Cynical, post:53, topic:88656, full:true”]
True that. As an Englishman, I wish the SNP would put up a candidate in my constituency…[/quote]
As an American, I wish they would put up a candidate in my constituency!


I just wanted to thank this thread for motivating me to move the movie Jadoo to the front of my viewing queue (where it has been since it came out 3 years ago). It’s about a feud between Indian restaurants in Leicester, is very good, and has a couple of lines in it relevant to this thread that made me chuckle.

There are some people still associated with the SNP who are Tartan Tories

If I was still living in Carlisle I would have been tempted to run for the SNP (assuming the party let me), to trolley the English bigots there (especially as there would be a good chance I wouldn’t lose my deposit). The down side would be that it would almost certainly let the Conservatives win the seat.

Where else have I heard that line of ‘reasoning’ recently?

It’s on the tip of my tongue…


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