Plenty of people are saying that, just not in the majority of parliament, where that actually matters… maybe soon! Or maybe the Queen will use her few powers here and just dissolve parliament (just this one time!).
I’ve not seen a better example of “democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others.”
Expertly-crafted propaganda + instantaneous mass communication + wealth-gap fueled tyrants seem to give demagogues the upper hand over and over.
As an Indian, it feels like the UK parliament still hasn’t grown out of the belief that they still run the Empire and that the world is still their oyster…
Not that parliament was any more rational back then either…
So would Parliament at this point.
Look this is her third attempt at having her say.
The only way to symbolize that is to have three mouths. There’s no other way. If there are two or four mouths then people will get confused. They’ll say, “Is it editorial commentary or is it just a mouth typo?”
And I think everyone can agree that she only has one face in that picture. Putting three heads would be silly, or worse, inefficient.
“Graphical excellence is that which gives to the viewer the greatest number of ideas in the shortest time with the least ink in the smallest space.”
― Edward R. Tufte, The Visual Display of Quantitative Information
I think Tufte would agree that three mouths on one face is much more economical of limited display space than three Theresa May heads cluttering up your window, don’t you?
“A bit like watching a badly injured seagull attempt to get out of the way of oncoming traffic”
She did ask for it, and won the contest to get it, so fuck her.
I keep thinking about this. She sent a coded warning to them a few couple months ago. It was the most tepid rebuke of all time but it still shocked the UK because she’s not supposed to say anything, really. I also wonder, if the UK ends up collapsing as a nation, where she’ll go. I mean, she’s my queen too.
I guess she can go bunk in one of the many commonwealth countries… I’m sure Canadians would make her feel welcome and comfortable!
I’m looking for a better form of democracy, because the current one isn’t working. Seriously, fuck FPTP and referendums where one option is poorly defined to the point where it could mean anything.
Hmm, if she bumped Brexit, she would secure the Constitutional Monarchy system for another couple generations.
Any republicans would be tilting at an actual example of an enlightened common sense “dictatorial correction”. The royalists would have a hard time arguing against an actual use of prerogative.
At this point, this would actually be worth a try.
I say let them do the cold turkey exit and let the conservatives that want it own it.
Only if we can get the guillotines out for anyone who still supports Brexit.
Bagsie Iain Duncan-Smith
So much of this whole thing comes off as the UK shouting at each other about how important they are. A whole room of that one presenter on every BBC show who just keeps bringing up The Blitz regardless of context.