British parliament rejects Prime Minister May's Brexit plan for third time

And yet there are many, many Tories willing to stab her in the back.

It’s the end of March, it only feels like the end of May.


Nope. Like I said in another post, he’s going in ma gibbet and you can’t have him. Not until the gibbeting is all done.

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But I was ready to give his head to a wheelchair football team, so that he would do some good for disabled people for the first time in his life (or death).


That’s fine, but first this:

You can play football with his head after, mmmm’kay?


It reminds me of the old gag about the dumb bank robber who, when surrounded, takes himself hostage and threatens to kill himself unless the police give into his demands. And the cops in the gag do, because they’re even more stupid.

Taking into account that the MPs she was trying to bring on-side were Tories and DUPpies, I can understand why she thought that tactic might be worth taking a chance on.

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Oh dear, oh dear, you’re going to give some people here the vapours when you make statements that “normalise political violence”.


This. I’m neither British nor European, at least not by citizenship, but the Brexiteers’ attitude that the UK had so much to offer the EU that it would be desperate to keep it in the single economy always rang hollow to me. The UK is exiting a treaty with 20-odd other nations, and those nations collectively have 9X the population of the UK and zero incentive to make it easy to leave. After all, if the UK can put up hard borders to everything but the trade that benefits it, what’s to stop other countries from doing the same?

It’s very telling to me that while the results of this third vote get screaming headlines on British news sites, it’s nowhere near the top story on any of the French, Belgian, or Dutch sites I’ve checked (except Le Monde). Didn’t Nigel Farage, Boris Johnson, and pals say that it would be the EU in panic mode and the UK in the catbird seat?


yyyyep. she is.


Parliament really missed a golden opportunity earlier this month to re-enact Caesar’s assassination.


Like this?


nobody does:


Yes. Except that, while the Tories have the same average IQ of the townsfolk of Rock Ridge, Sheriff Bart is a lot more clever than May could ever hope to be.


Soooo… how does Britain get rid of May?

From what I read it does not seem like the clock will run out on her. Does the house of commons get fed up and vote her out?

Can you just change the locks and substitute Brian May and see if anyone notices?

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I’m not saying she’s competent, but she’s playing the only “some soggy deal” play she has left against complete nihilist buffoons.

Nobody else wants to be PM this month, because they’re treating the place like a sinking ship. They want her there to absorb all the blame, because there’s no one else (including her) with any bravery or competence who could negotiate between the EU and the Brexit culters.

If she had an instinct that wasn’t just “save the old party flag, as the walls come down”, she could do something interesting, in a “nothing left to lose” sense. (She should have let the government fall instead of tying herself to DUP; she would have been comfortably out of power throwing rocks at Labour, not PM but not broken).


Best four out of seven?


new york times oped

European Union officials and European leaders have reeled at Mrs. May’s rigidity in Brexit negotiations over the past two years. But this is no surprise to her colleagues. A senior politician who spent years alongside her in the cabinet says that Mrs. May never understood the concept of negotiation. She simply expected the other side to give way. “With most people you go into a room and you say, I need X, you need Y, and the two of you end up with Z. It’s iterative, a compromise. She just doesn’t work like that.”
Nor, the former minister says, does she have the mental agility or intellectual curiosity to handle a complex, shifting political landscape. An effective strategy for Brexit would have required endless brainstorming with key players, from diplomats to advisers. “But you cannot sit in a room with her and have a free-ranging discussion, what about this, what about that. She just can’t do it.” Disastrously, she prefers secretive consultations with her husband Philip and just a couple of trusted colleagues.


They tried that and it failed, labour also tried that and the government ignored the motion. Not that anyone wants the job and even if she is ousted that’ll solve precisely nothing because we’ll still be faced with intractable problems like the northern irish border - again, it can’t be overstated enough times that there cannot be a hard border between northern ireland and the republic under any circumstances.


None of this is surprising to those that have been aware of her and her political career for longer than is entirely healthy, she is the very definition of authoritarianism and has a real fundamental issue with immigration. As home secretary she has been the architect of some extremely nasty, bigoted policies like immigration billboards not to mention some of the most draconian surveillance laws in any democratic country. A couple of years ago there was ken clarke getting caught on camera saying what everyone else in parliament knows and his comparison to thatcher is appropriate except that thatcher had the backing of her cabinet.


Let me give you a hint: NONE of us live in democracies (whichever countries we hail from). Best case scenario, you are in a constitutional system where your basic rights are mostly protected, provided they don’t interfere with big business, in which case you better be ready for a long and costly legal fight (costly either in money or volunteers’ man-hours).

Democracy is when you get a direct say in whatever current issue you take an interest in; it is NOT going to cast a ballot every few years and being told to f**k off, more or less politely, the rest of the time. THAT is electoral aristocracy (in the original sense, meaning ‘government of the best among us’).
You might think you’d rather have that than having that moron at work having as much say as you do on day to day’s affairs, but you then have to accept the whole package. It includes, among other things, the fact that money is a huge deciding factor, and so a few private interest will always have way more weight on politics than either you and I.

Well, I could go on, but my point would remain the same, so well…

biggest single reason for wanting to leave […] was “the principle that decisions about the UK should be taken in the UK”

The irony is so dense it threatens to form a black hole.