British parliament rejects Prime Minister May's Brexit plan for third time

So today’s major Brexit story is that May is actually talking to other parties to work out a common position.

So approximately one week after the supposed leave date, the government is finally doing something that they should have done before triggering A50.


Only if he promises that his government’s first order of business is a People’s Referendum on Brexit. It should also be a condition of any joint planning he might do with May in regard to a deal.

Until Corbyn offers full-throated support for a second referendum he’s part of the problem.

[I never read the “Very British Coup” book, but the TV series was great]



@ 7:00, JRM Denies, Attacks, Reverses Victim and Offender.

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In my experience, many people usually don’t! :wink:


Apparently, the British Army is already training to counteract that scenario:


The first sentence of the article:

Theresa May has been warned that a pact with Jeremy Corbyn to deliver a Brexit deal could destroy the Conservative party…

I think it would probably be the decades long internecine fighting over the EU that would deserve the credit for destroying the party. A little too much credit given to the last straw here.


Since this is not a term I come across often, I had a look at Merriam Webster’s definition. As a non-native speaker, I am of course impressed by the very fitting double meaning.

And hell yes. That’s the cherry on this shit coupe de glace: for a Dolchstoßlegende, you would need a internal enemy. To the likes of Boris J. and Jacob RM, Corbyn is the evil Marxist killing noble BREXIT strategies against the overwhelming EU fi fie foe. But also, the in-flighting of Tories now has some weird similarities with the fights between MSPD, USPD and Spartakusbund


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