British Prime Minister opposed lockdown because only old people were dying

See, I thought I’d be safe when I joined the Leopards Eating Other People’s Faces party. But then a leopard ate my face. Later, I found out it was a different group of Face-Eating Leopards, affiliated with, but not of, my party. Oh well!


Johnson’s proof that money and an education from a top university have nothing to do with intelligence or humanity, no matter what he and his ilk claim.

See, I thought I’d be safe when I joined the Leopards Eating Other People’s Faces party. But then a leopard ate my face. Later, I found out it was a different group of Face-Eating Leopards, affiliated with, but not of, my party. Oh well!


dom and bojo the clown are both pure scum. I wouldn’t trust either one any further than a nanometer. Seeing as they are both also nanowits, it’s appropriate.


I agree, however, Cummings, with his complete contempt for any kind of democratic process, his unelected machiavellian kingmaking efforts revealed in the BBC interview makes him even lower in my estimation.


Oh, yeah, that cummings SOB is an evil weasel.

Brexit: The Uncivil War (AKA Brexit) was a fascinating, well done, off-pissing AF film. Even Benedict Cumberbatch can’t make dom more palatable.


There was a woman in Florida (of course) who said it out loud. Her one complaint about Trump was that he wasn’t an effective sado-populist.


And what happens when a politician says that he doesn’t give a shit about people dying?
Absolutely fuck all.
Why would Boris change his behaviour in any way, when the public is still overwhelmingly going to vote for him?


The latest YouGov/Times voting intention figures see the Conservative Party up two points to 44%

I see I was spot on with


But, according to those figures at least, they’re not: most people are going to vote for someone else, and a full 50% of voters are going to vote for a centre or left-of-centre party.

It’s just that Britain’s voting system is so fucked up that that vote split will still give Boris or his successor a parliamentary majority big enough to ram through whatever evil they feel like.


It would be nice to think that a PR based system would change things, but given that the UK public have already voted against a change to general election voting, I think all that would happen is 44% of them would set their first preference as Conservative, which would still be a majority (and probably the leftwing vote would be even more split).
At this point I feel that it is clear, that the British public want leopards to eat their face.

Congratulations, it’s now all your fault.


I’m confused. Under PR, how would 44% of the vote translate into a parliamentary majority?


It doesn’t help that Labour would be doing better if they had no leader for the last year. Starmer is worse than useless. Who would I replace him with? Nearly anyone, it might be quicker to do a list of who I wouldn’t replace him with at this point.


TBH I was thinking of the system put forward in the referendum in 2011, which isn’t Proportional Representation per se, it was a kind of Alternative Vote system.
Also, there’s a whole digression here about constituencies and gerrymandering, but anyway.

Mostly I’m just fed up of how every day there’s a fresh new example of Boris in particular, and the Tories in general, being utter shits, and all that ever seems to happen is they poll ever higher.
Basically I’m being depressed and cynical. :frowning:


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