British Pro-EU MP murdered in the street by man shouting "Britain first!"

Why can’t we call them reactionaries and fascists, like we used to?


Maybe because the right has so much more control over the shaping of conventional narratives now.


You act like people experiencing mental health issues are somehow apolitical.

Why do you dehumanize them so?


Somebody should get to researching how brown people are immune to mental illness, as it’s well known that (unlike whites) all of their violent crimes are purely motivated by ideology, hatred and political goals.

/s (in case it wasn’t clear)


Neo-Nazi group?

Are you perhaps referring to the Quiet Loners Association?


It’s so sweet to see all the loners together, marching and chanting.


radicalism has a honorable history in British Politics.

Nothing to do with Oswald Mosely or his spiritual successors in the BNP.


More for tidiness - reactionary and violent Muslims following an extremist form of their religion are called radical Muslims, whether or not they have mental issues. People who do the same from a Christian or conservative perspective should have the same nomenclature applied to them.


Credit need to go to groups like London Black Revs, who were digging through Britain First’s site as Britain First were deleting any evidence of the accused murderer being connected to them


Did you capture this as I cannot see it?

There are pictures on the London Black Revs Facebook page that I linked to above.

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Predictable :unamused:

Most of the other newspapers (other than the I, the Daily Express and Daily Star) are focusing on his far right links though


Got it, thanks!

Once again, England proves to be somewhat more sane than the US. Only fairly far left (of the Overton Window, that is) and thus small-audience publications here do that.

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Weird. This originally didn’t show up in my feed… now it is there, though.


Ugh. I’d be surprised if the media there are as far to the right as corporate media in the US. If not, looks like they’re well on their way. AND that it’s fair to charge them with complicity in the killing of Jo Cox.


Some people read it. The rest of us just rubberneck it.

In the U.S., mostly only anarchists, communists, socialists, and the-very-well-read know what a reactionary is. And calling people fascist isn’t taken very seriously here.

Although people do get a lot of mileage out of calling each other communist or socialist. From 2008, I spent a lot of time laughing at people calling President Obama a socialist. It stopped being funny after awhile but they didn’t stop saying it and it hasn’t stopped being the QED of any argument.

I think reactionary may be a bit too subtle for American political discourse.


“A gun resembling a musket?” Why include such nonsense uninformation? It’s pretty unlikely that it was an actual musket, as firing three times would take upwards of sixty seconds in the hands of an expert 18th century infantryman.

Oh well, at least we’re not quibbling over the definition of “assault rifle.”

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