Budweiser to release a camo-wrapped bottle to win back conservatives

This seems incredibly patronizing. Aren’t MAGA people insulted by this? It seems really transparent. Which, you know, so are all the rainbow-washed products for me, which is why I don’t get excited by that.

Regarding the tweet in the OP, is it true that the conservative boycott dropped sales 20+%? I find that very hard to believe. There just aren’t enough angry MAGAs in the world to move the numbers on a corporation that huge in such a short time. Seems more like the numbers are down for other reasons but they are saying it’s the boycott to deflect shareholder concerns and to further patronize the people who think they can boycott stuff with their mighty silent majority.


I also found that hinky, I’m not buying it. At least not as the sole cause.


That is amazing! It also makes me feel sad that it may actually be battle fatigues one day soon.

That Fox headline is doing a lot of heavy lifting here. As usual, trying to manipulate the public conversation to fit their pre-conceived narrative. They probably cherry-picked that stat from one weekend at Talladega where Miller was running a promo or something. Regressives don’t have that much fidelity to their “beliefs” or memory retention.

Edited for clarity.


If a brand panders in a forest, and there is no one there to care, does it trend on the socials?


I can buy fully that MAGAts are the primary market for Budweiser in the US.


I am so outraged that Budweiser is marketing to people who I don’t identify with! I know! I’ll film myself shooting the camo-themed bottles.

:: sets them up ::

Dang! I can’t see them.

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isn’t camo just plant drag?


I’d love to support some kind of relationship between alcohol and republicans - but this country is awash in liquor and (much like guns) it’s not a divisible thing.

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I’m not indicating a relationship between alcohol and republicans. I’m indicating a relationship between Budweiser and Bud Light as brands and republicans. Just look at Nascar say 5 - 10 years ago. Or the NFL. Or MLB. Or in shooting magazines , hunting magazines, etc, and Bud is EVERYWHERE. Bud, American Flags, and Soldiers. All over the place. I grew up in the south and remember seeing Bud EVERYWHERE at hunting shows and gun and knife shows.


While the tweeter is not an impartial news source imo* the data seems to show the effects of a sustained boycott fwiw. The sales drop mentioned however is for Bud Light specifically. For the main Budweiser product and other InBev products their sales are still down but not by as much.

For the week ended May 6, in-store Bud Light sales were down 23.6% compared with the same period of 2022, according to NielsenIQ data. For the week ended April 29, those sales were off 23.4%, and Bud Light sales were off 21.4% for the week ended April 22 and 17% for the week ended April 15.


Budweiser sales were off nearly 10% versus the year-ago period; Michelob Ultra was off nearly 3%; Busch Light was off 0.3%; and Natural Light was off 2.5%.

A-B InBev competitors, though, continued to surge.
Coors Light was up 22.2%, Miller Lite 22.8% and Yuengling 26.5%, the NielsenIQ data showed.


Article is paywalled though and I’m not sure if I’m allowed to talk about ways around it here for any less computer savvy happy mutants.

*He gained fame for having extensive plastic surgery to look like a BTS member and now has an upcoming book decrying the evils of “gender ideology” despite the fact that afaik he never claimed to be transgender. Just trans ethnic. Which isn’t a thing most people pushing “woke ideology” (his words) even believe in.


Just post a working link.



That’s the 4:3 simpsons. The new improved 16:9 simpsons lacks this joke


Which is why I set it to only show the 4:3 version on Disney+.
There’s a toggle under details to allow the “remastered aspect ratio” to be turned off.


No wonder that they try to hide it. American ‘beer’ is a liquid pretending to be beer


And this is why I don’t get too excited over corporate America’s Pride marketing every June. Almost none of it is sincere, and this pro-Patriot camo marketing isn’t either. It’s all pander-maketing and it’s cheap and lazy.



That joke is at least 15-20 years out of date. Thankfully, “American beer” has gotten much better and varied over the last couple of decades as smaller brewers have taken a big chunk of the market from the big macrobrews.

Which is part of the reason you get this desperate marketing push in the first place. The big corporations need to tie their products strongly to a consumer’s identity and make drinking it part of how they see themselves, as they’re never going to win out on taste.


I honestly can’t. It’s a huge brand and there aren’t that many of those people, even if every single one of them boycotted, which we know they didn’t. The strongest ever boycott reaches maybe 10% of any given demographic. It’s the default beer for millions and millions of people at sporting events, BBQs, in small towns where there aren’t a lot of choices, etc.

I get that no Happy Mutants would drink it but I think people are vastly underestimating how many other people do. Even if people don’t like it, everyone I know will drink it if it’s around, and it’s always around. Every British ex-pat I know except one drinks it on purpose. They genuinely like it.

I’m sorry, but there’s no way that 10% of 27% of the US population caused a 20% drop in sales in the biggest beer brand in the world.

I think the sales are dropping for other reasons (like, say, corporate mismanagement) and they’re blaming the boycott because it makes them look better to shareholders and panders further to that audience they’re trying re capture by making them feel important.

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Bonus: Roadside litter just kinda blends in!

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Tactical hangover.