Burbank airport changes name, ditches "Bob Hope"

Oh, I get it, just that’s what we could call “SNA.”

Then there’s, um, CLT.


@art_carnage and @Lord_Blam have queried Mr. Doctorow about the basis for his claim, but he has neither provided one, nor has he edited the article, so the baseless character assassination remains.

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But we I assume you mean you and the mouse in your pocket?

No surprise there. I’ve never seen a correction on this site from him. Most are trivial, but this kind of drive-by character assassination is inexcusable.


That was much more humourous than it had any right to be. Thanks for posting that.

Someday I hope to visit Cory’s hometown, just so I can tell people “I’m flying into BAHH-da-BAH-BAH-BAHH-da-BAH-BAH-BAH-BAH!!!

Sure, but what do you expect from a guy who literally murders puppies for fun and suffocates cute duckies in his spare time? Don’t ask me for proof, just take my word for it.


SFO almost got named after Harvey Milk a few years ago, but due to some political business I don’t quite understand he’s getting relegated to just one terminal.

Dick Gregory, in an interview in the Chicago Tribune, Oct. 28, 2009:

“Bob Hope lived to get 100,” Gregory said. “But I think that was because Jesse Jackson, for 40 years, kept saying ‘Keep hope alive!’”

Gregory, BTW, was invited by Hope in 1970 to join an “Honor America” rally in 1970. Gregory declined for political reasons, but I don’t think he would have written the letter he did (here it is) if he had reason to think of Hope as a racist. Gregory was not exactly a shrinking violet on such matters…

Hey, speaking of Bob Hope and airplanes, who’s this palling around with Hope?

I think what has happened is that Cory has confused Bob Hope with the dingbat who came up with the premises of some of his movies (Son Of Paleface, Call Me Bwana).


Yes, but even had it passed, it never would have caught on in normal use. The brand on “SFO” is pretty strong. Harvey Milk was a fine man, but I think we in addition to my view that nothing should be named after anyone until at least ten years after they are dead, that statute of limitations should be reset any time there is a Major Motion Picture about the person in question.

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