Burger King workers keep smashing the windows because hoax callers tell them to

And checking to see if Prince Andrew was locked in the men’s room.


My SO hulksmashed our old stove when we demo’d the kitchen in January. He’d been waiting a long time for that moment.

I smash crapgadgets. I consider it a community service so that other people won’t have to suffer the unimaginable grief said crapgadget inflicted upon me.


I’d like to think so, but who knows how thorough the training is. I’d like to see this movie made part of the high school curriculum, since it would inoculate a lot of people against blind obedience to authority, but perhaps I am being naive about the purpose of high school.

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I saw this on FB and lots of the commenters were saying. “These clowns want $15/ hour” har har har. " I was wondering if it was someone opposed to the higher minimum wage.

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For me, it’s the things that have caused me grief. I went all Office Space on my POS laptop in the backyard when it finally became 100% useless. Felt good.


I get immense satisfaction from dropping glass off at the recycling center. I drop it off hard.


my first thought was an employee or ex-employee was targeting the restaurant because the manager was a dick. could be anything, though, with nothing else to go by. but by imagining that scenario, you can root for it at least.

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Burger King workers keep smashing the windows because hoax callers tell them to someone finally gave them a plausible excuse!


This is really just playing off the ease at which we trust experts. Like the old shock experiments where it just took a white coat to convince regular people to shock another person until they screamed and then to continue doing so as long as the expert said it was ok.

While the folks here might know there is no magical remote gas sensing system. We all have our blind spots. Add a short time to respond and threat of injury or death in the right context and many of us could get conned.

Edit to add: I have done major home demo before. It is amazing how liberating it is to smash a sledge hammer into a pristine wall. It’s cathartic. So maybe they were not tricked but just seized on the moment to color outside the lines.



Are you trying to make this joke:



I… I didn’t want to do this until now…


This is obviously off topic but it turns out the Milgram experiment was pretty much BS. A lot of participants saw through the ruse and they were included in people who participated. While the experimenters were supposed to stay on a script they often varied from it to try to get the people to continue in ways they weren’t supposed to, or didn’t end the experiment when people objected the pre-determined number of times.

Most people will not shock someone to death just because a person in a lab coat says to. On the other hand, I sure at least some would, so nothing to feel that great about.

Like, they weigh about 1800 pounds, so assuming their centre of gravity is pretty near the ground there is absolutely no way I could tip one. But I really want to try! A small group of people can obvious do it, though, I did read about some smart car tippings shortly after they first came out. Unlike the apocryphal “cow tipping” the phenomenon was named after, people really did tip the cars over, and there are photos.


This is one of my long-running landlord dilemmas: Old gas stoves with pilots are VERY reliable, and last decades without needing repair. The electric ignition in modern stoves tends to crap out every few years. So in theory I would always furnish apartments with vintage stoves.

Except that, like clockwork, every new tenant has to go through at least one cycle of opening a window on a windy day, accidentally blowing out the pilot, smelling gas, and calling the fire department. It’s hard to blame them but it must get tedious for the firefighters.


a teacher had one of the (then current) Cinquecentos. it took not many of us to carry it to a different parking spot (only 20 meters or so. but it was a fine plan and a great execution)


“But… management wouldn’t piss on me if I was on fire?”


BK has the big gas broiler, so it’s an obvious choice for a gas-leak hoax.

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When I read this the first time I thought that was the name of a burger.


I’d eat that.


Hmmmm 2x4 and cinder block for a fulcrum?

ETA - if you do it, you pretty much have to scuttle way making this noise:

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Give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it, and I shall move the world topple the smart.