Buttigieg: Trump is old and strange

Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2024/07/28/buttigieg-trump-is-older-and-stranger.html


Mayor Butterandeggs for VP!!



(have some associates who could not get close to pronouncing ‘Buttigieg’ correctly even when they weren’t trying to be silly. (i think it’s of Maltese origin) So, i humbly suggested imagining The Buddha sitting in judgement: “Buddha-judge”. pronunciations improved a little bit since then (heh)



Buttigieg has mastered the reverse Gish gallop: lay on truth so fast it can’t be interrupted by lies.


“Chicken owner” - wow, that’s some nominative determinism!


IIRC Buttigieg has said that an easy way for people to remember the pronunciation is to think of it as “boot-edge-edge” (And that is pretty much how the WIkipedia audio sounds to me, too)


I just noticed how, although calm, he’s modulating his tone of voice incredibly well.


it’s wild how calm he was. that’s like a super power or something.

he knew exactly where he wanted to steer the conversation*, and did it fact by fact, without trying to bully his way or talk over top of the anchor.

those two clips are just really great.

( * personally, i would have jumped on the fact that increased apprehensions means fewer people coming in illegally. but then, i’m all for an open border and easy to get work papers, and he wanted to point out crime is down. )


No. To be fair, Buttigieg is young and weird.

I also worked not for but alongside McKinsey consultants on projects as a special resource for investors. The fact that he defends his work defrauding consumers vs. critiquing it shows a lack of recognition of his role in the problems that society has.

This man has a great many monied interests who would like him in a position of power. Find another gay white guy w/ a less spotty history who isn’t a complete weirdo.


He understands that he has the facts on his side and also went into the interview with prior understanding that Faux was going to push a fantasy narrative. It takes talent to reconcile those two things and come out ahead.


Laugh-In chicken


Multiple citations needed. First I’ve heard any of that.


Did you care to know his history in the 2020 election? Pressuring a black police chief and pushing him from office at the behest of a large and powerful local donor. Go query him talking about the bread pricing scheme he was involved in when working for McKinsey. The man has zero credentials except that he sold out a man he had previously claimed was “his role model” (Bernie Sanders) in the 2020 primary to gain personal advantage.

What exactly does this admittedly well-spoken man bring to an election other than that? Does he bring in a single state? A demographic that is not already engaged or aligned?

Name one VP candidate who will deliver a state. People don’t vote for a ticket because one of the candidates happens to be from their state anymore. I’m not convinced they ever did. But if they did at one time, they sure don’t now. Here’s the demographic difference that’s important. One Presidential candidate is an incompetent buffoon who desperately wants to be a fascist dictator for life, and who picked another incompetent buffoon for a running mate. So that side has the incompetent buffoon demographic locked up tight. The other demographic that’s important in this race are people who actually would like to see democracy continue in this country. So that’s the demographic Harris needs to focus on. Which means she needs to focus on getting the message out about how dangerous Trump is. And Buttegieg can help with that, as we see in this interview, whether he becomes Harris’s running mate or not.


Tim Walz delivers a state. And yes, Buttigieg can speak and influence without being VP.

You actually think Harris naming Walz as her running mate will, on its own, swing Minnesota for her? I just don’t believe that. I’m not saying he’s not well liked. I’m just saying I can’t imagine people who would vote for a Harris/Walz ticket in Minnesota wouldn’t vote for Harris/Kelly or Harris/Shapiro or Harris/Buttegieg. I can’t imagine why that choice would swing anyone’s vote.


A Harris/Shapiro ticket could cost Harris states with a strong enough muslim or Palestinian-American presence, though, like Minnesota or Michigan. He’s said truly repugnant things not just about Palestinians but Americans who have protested the genocide in Gaza.

But as strong as Waltz is on that topic, he’s not going to deliver a state that’s already as solid blue as the West Coast.


Nothing is certain in politics, but Walz is much more certain than Beshear. Shapiro is more negative than positive. Buttigieg’s negatives have been ignored in my own posts above. This is because his work remains questionable. Ask the people in East Palestine if they feel the federal Transportation Secretary had their back.

I don’t deny the value in using the man to reach an audience. However, he remains a very questionable person when it comes to his decision making skills alongside power. He is certainly no Lina Khan.

I’m not debating who the better candidate is. I don’t know who that is. All I’m saying is that I don’t think there’s any candidate who delivers a state merely by virtue of being from that state. Or any particular demographic. I don’t think politics works like that these days. Walz may be the best pick. I don’t know. I’ve said from the moment Kamala Harris became the nominee that she should pick the person best qualified to be VP and not worry about the old school political strategy of picking a VP based on what votes they will help bring in because of where they’re from.