Buy a random permanent tattoo from this vending machine

One of my college friends would always say that he wanted a Leviticus 19:28 tattoo.


You can tell what kind of a shop it is by the cardboard “Dum 'em out” sign and stack of Playboys in the first picture.

Nice 4-of-a-kind if you’re playing tat poker.

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While happy that society has gone from tattoos meaning bikers and outlaws to tattoos are so mainstream everyone gets one on their ankle at bachelorette parties to commemorate the occasion, I still can’t help cringing at “any tattoo randomly” except on a dare with money involved in a place that is easily covered.
I have 3, and all were carefully considered, as tattoos are permanent art you carry around on your body for life. It should be a well considered thing.

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Well, the important thing is that you’ve manage to justify feeling smug.

Not a bit smug, and that’s a strange interpretation of being intimidated by someone issuing vague threats.

You said yourself that “Don’t Fuck With Me can be defined in all kinds of vague ways,” then promptly jumped to interpreting it as negatively as possible, rather than–say–asking wait_really to clarify what he meant by that. You’re not arguing in good faith, at the very least, and it rather looks like you’re looking for excuses to run people down.

I’m not, in the slightest, but you’re free to interpret it in that way.

You’ve already decided I’m “smug” because somebody else on the BBS is trying to act tough.

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