He’s not. Do you know anything about what happens to milk when it’s pasteurised…? I met a farmer at a farmers’ market in York who referred to pasteurised milk as “cow pop”, For those who can’t deduce what he meant, I’ll explain.
The vitamins in milk (and, to a lesser extent, the minerals) are VERY sensitive to high temperature so, when milk is pasteurised, not only are all the bugs killed, but so is the nutrition, making it as nutritious as pop.
If you’ve not guessed by now, I’m one of those ‘nutters’ who advocates the drinking of raw milk (and, if you want to think I’m completely insane, raw meat. I’d never consume bog-standard supermarket meat raw but, then, I don’t buy bog-standard supermarket meat. All my meat (and I’m talking about steak here, I’d never eat raw chicken, but I don’t eat a great deal of chicken) is from one source, it’s 100% pastured, and the cattle has never been shot through with any kind of antibiotics, nor BGH). I’ve been eating raw steak from the same farm for years - it’s more nutritious than cooked. I also eat raw liver, as well as the bone marrow.
There’s a reason many diseases spread so rapidly, and that’s due to lowered immunity; you obviously didn’t consider the irony of your, somewhat ignorant, comment, considering this is a thread about immunisation (yes, I’m well-aware the viruses in vaccines are dead). It’s very difficult to develop effective vaccines against diseases caused by bacteria (how long has science been attempting to develop an effective vaccine against malaria, for example…?).
It may seem like a contradictory statement, but the more sanitary and sanitised we are, the greater our risk of something that wouldn’t be lethal becoming so.
In France, it’s ILLEGAL to produce cheese from pasteurised milk, and any French cheese produced elsewhere which has NOT been produced from raw milk cannot be allowed to bear that cheese’s name (Roquefort being the most famous example, it’s ALWAYS made with raw ewes’ milk).
The constant sanitisation of every little thing we put into our bodies is NOT a good thing, nor is the constant prescribing of antibiotics for trivial infections.
Remember it’s only us in the West who are so pathologically paranoid about pathogens, Inuit mothers, for example, regularly feed their babies reindeer milk, have the Inuit died out…?
No, I’m not saying we should abandon sanitisation completely, that would be just as catastrophic.
There’s a LOT of BS spewed by health depts (in fact, most of what they come out with is utter bollocks; saturated fat makes you fat and causes CVD. Cholesterol will kill you, red meat will kill you, calories in < calories out = weight loss… the list is almost endless).
For the record, I’m NOT an anti-vaxxer.
Okay, minor rant out of my system.