California State lawmaker Miguel Santiago says he's a Democrat, but he's single-handedly killing state Net Neutrality

Y’all realise that the Democrats run a planned roster of villains, right?

When the Dem donors want to kill a bill that the base supports, they don’t just order the whole party to vote against it. They work out how many Dem votes are required for the desired outcome, then instruct the leadership to provide that many votes.

If they need five votes, then five Dem reps will vote that way. If they need ten votes, then ten will.

And, when possible, they spread those unpopular votes around so that no one member becomes too obviously bought, and distribute them to districts where they think they can get away with it.

It maintains the appearance of a party in opposition to their bastardry, while achieving the effect of corporate control. But the problem is with the whole party, not just whoever voted the “wrong” way in any particular instance.