Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2024/02/20/california-town-asked-to-return-a-beachside-hotel.html
If the City owns the land it should be pretty simple, no?
Simple, yes.
Easy? Depends on which polticial constituency and moneyed interests you’re beholden to.
There is precedent for doing the right thing. Two years ago, Los Angeles County returned land similarly stolen through eminent domain.
Yes, as mentioned in the original post. It’s always possible to do the right thing even if it’s not the easy thing.
Things are complex in the People’s Republic of Santa Monica. The town has a reputation as a haven for liberals and progressives, but despite their political self-identification the residents who involve themselves in city council meetings are mainly affluent NIMBYs over 50 who worry about matters like the subway bringing in a “bad element” (read PoC).
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