Racist vandals attack a Manhattan Beach elementary school one day after Bruce's Beach is returned to the black family from which it was stolen

Originally published at: Racist vandals attack a Manhattan Beach elementary school one day after Bruce's Beach is returned to the black family from which it was stolen | Boing Boing

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For BBS readers, there is a Reddit embed at the bottom of the post with the images, should anyone need to see them. They are the garbage one would expect.



There are few things white supremacists get more riled up about than when something they claim belongs to them is given back to those it actually belongs to.


Little cowards were too nervous and ignorant to avoid severe brain lockup rendering the letter ‘N’.


Especially when the stolen land was used as public property, and no citizen really stood to gain any profit from it. This reminds me of the assholes who painted over the Black Lives Matter sign on the public street. :man_shrugging:

Related: Oh, look!


Oh my! Who would have thought that “brave” white couple would ever be the type of people to steal a dead man’s property, much less be meth users! /s


“Deplorables” doesn’t begin to capture the truth.

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