Originally published at: Confederate flag enthusiast loses attempt to stop the return of beachfront property to the black family from which it was wrongly taken | Boing Boing
Mr Ryan is clearly wrong about a lot of things.
Oh no, Dumbfuckastan is missing it’s Mayor Mayonnaise .
obvious republican pattern is obvious…
Trump: ‘I am the least racist person there is anywhere in the world’
“We found the guy who stole your car, Mr Ryan, but returning it to you doesn’t serve a public purpose. Sorry, our hands are tied.”
It’s about heritage. Because California was part of the Confederacy?
It’s a good thing that he wasn’t a WWII buff. People would completely misunderstand.
So, let me get this straight. The government basically stole land from a black landowner several generations ago, and now they’re righting that wrong by giving it back to the rightful owners. This “gentleman” will be in no way even inconvenienced by this exchange, yet he sees the need to try to stop it?
Also, since he’s not at all racist we can be confident he’d be putting in just as much effort if a white family was getting their property back. Right?
California and apparently Illinois, as well. This is from a few weeks ago, just south of the IL/WI border on Green Bay Road in Lake County, Illinois. I really want to give the fool a map and a bus ticket, but that would require interaction.
I was there, and it all happened just the way they all say it did. I think…
There’s another way….
“I don’t really give a damn about the politics of liberal idiots”
As soon as you see a statement like this, you know which side of society he stands on.
I had a sneaking suspicion before I even saw this quote…
The number of PAians who appear to think we were confederates is likewise horrifying.
And probably about that also. He may be in the top 10 for being the first person you can call a racist,

There’s another way….
That’s beautiful!

you know which side of society
Also history
He is the last person I have called a racist so far. I’m headed to bed shortly and I’m sure I will hear of new people who have earned the label tomorrow.
Yet another conservative turns out to be a racist piece of crap? You don’t say!
See, it really is all about maintaining tradition. The Confederacy were losers too.