California's legislative leaders vow to lead the resistance

States Rights were all the rage for the TEAGOP, but when the Rebel State [Calif] declares independence, it’s not nice/bad.

Graciously I say Fuck You, tRumpGOP.


States’ Rights only matter if states are fighting to abolish protections for minorities and the disenfranchised. Because fuck the Fed government for trying to ensure that everyone can have equal representation.

You won’t have to worry about the feds trying any of that hippy shit for the next half-decade.


That might be the workaround. Of course, private corporations and their conservative lickspittles will sue their way up to the right-leaning Supreme Court to fight anything they don’t like, but that will take time.


Dear Sir or Madam, we accept your application to the Rebel State.


Hey man, despite how lumpy us northerners are, it’s a nice place all the same!

It’s a lot quieter though…


He’s someone who proposed funerals for aborted fetuses. He is equally if not more fucked up.


Richmond 1865 says hello.


I’m honestly expecting it to escalate that far this time.


We already kind of do this. For instance, we have a multi-state/country pact for climate change:

California’s CARB emission standards for vehicles is used by 14 states.


Me too, given drumpf’s megalomania, and the nation’s 'roided up immune system.


Oddly, a lot of the corporate lickspittles in California are on board.

I can’t help but wonder, given sunshine, beaches, mountains and legalized weed, whether California couldn’t maybe entice the military away from their duty. It would be absurd to send drones: Bitch, please, we made that.


I agree with both of these. I guess I was reacting a little to the tone of the de León/Rendon letter, which is a little smug and self-congratulatory (especially since CA has a tradition of sending centrists to Washington). It reminded me a little of talks I used to go to in Oslo, where the speakers discussed the Norwegian imperative - as if given by God - to educate the rest of the world on how to do things.

Funny story: the way antitrust prosecutors got the Archer Daniels Midland executives and their Asian counterparts to meet on American soil (where their discussions were illegal) was by convincing them that Hawaii was not in the US.

However, Trump does have a hotel here, so we are not entirely off his radar.

The problem with Hawaii right now is that if Trump pisses off the Koreans or the Chinese, we’re the nearest place to send a missile.

If you move here you might get a chance to vote for Tulsi Gabbard, who famously fought with Wasserman-Schultz over the DNC bias towards HRC and is an obvious frontrunner for future party leadership.


I should be clear, I mean the middle-management shmoes who think they’re gonna be the next John Galt realsoonanydaynow, not the tech and media executives in CA with actual money and power.


To be clear, most of the time* we’ll be having shadow-president Pence from now on.

* I’m assuming Trump will be mercurial and occasionally seize back the reins of power for some audacious awfulness before abandoning them back to Pence in a fit of boredom.


I’m all for left coast exit. We have water!

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lol. Signed: Colorado.

ETA: (If we could find a way to get it there, and bypass Arizona, I’d be cool with it.)


Since we’re talking about resistance, this article might be worth discussing on a FPP:

It was inspired by a wartime protest in Nazi-occupied Norway, where students wore paperclips on their lapels to protest fascism.

The only concern is that it might make people targets for right-wing thugs, but if enough of us wear them in public the cowards will stay away. More importantly, it signals to more vulnerable people that they have allies they can turn to if things go bad. It’s a small thing, but it’s just as if not more substantive than Tweets and Internet comments.


Because no state legislature should be put in a position by what is happening at the federal level where it feels it has to make such a declaration. While I applaud the sentiment, I’m appalled that it needs to be made.


Oh. Your post was quite ambiguous!

But I cannot disagree with your sentiment either.

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