Can "Bionic Reading" increase reading speed and comprehension?

Originally published at: Can "Bionic Reading" increase reading speed and comprehension? | Boing Boing



No! for the last time!


Yes, but last time it was utter bullshit. This time it’s just regular.


This might work for some people, but I can absolutely say I am not one of those people.

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It didn’t work for most commenters in the earlier thread, either.


This seems to be more of a marketing gimmick, than anything else.
Bionic’? Gimme a break! It’s just a buzzword. Makes it sound all technological and sciency and stuff…


i HavE dEVelopED a PATENtEd And TRadeMaRked NEW “tECHNoLOGy” tHaT is guARanTeEd* tO IncREAse YoUR READiNg SpEEd AnD COMprEHeNSIOn


I found it did work last time. Not sure about this time, but the principle seems different. In that two-column sample, the bolded text never went past 50% (rounded up). Here it seems more like 75% of longer words.

That’s what serif text is for. Also, try it with this abstract? er…nuts, too many familiar terms in Power transfer due to Kerr nonlinearity in plasmonic nanohybrids - ScienceDirect but it’s fun that it sounds political. Smash the colonial state (with a nice bright QD television!)


There is considerable interest to study energy transfer in plasmonic nanohybrids made of metallic nanoparticles and quantum dots (QDs) [[1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8], [9], [10], [11], [12], [13]]. When a probe field is appled to the system, surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs) are excited in the metallic nanoparticles and excitons induced in the QDs. The power is transferred from metallic nanoparticles to QDs via the exciton-SPP interaction. These materials have a great potential in electro-optical device applications such as light modulators, optical switches, optical logic gates, and optical limiters. Nonlinear optical properties can be used for processing the information content of data images. This research can create a revolutionary change in electronic and photonic nanotechnology as well as nanomedicine. Recently, some effort has been devoted to study the nonlinear optical properties of nanohybrids [[8], [9], [10], [11]]. For example, Terzis et al. [10] have done an excellent job to study the Kerr nonlinearity in a combined system of QDs and metallic nanoparticles. Singh [11] studied the nonlinear second harmonic generation in nanohybrids made of a metallic nanoparticle and a QD.

There is also some effort to study the Kerr nonlinearity in metallic nanohybrids experimentally and theoretically [[12], [13], [14], [15], [16], [17]]. Recently, interesting work has been done on the nonlinear properties of plasmonic nanostructures. For example, Evangelou et al. [18] have investigated the Kerr nonlinearity in a four-level quantum system near a plasmonic nanostructure. Chen et al. [19] have inspected an enactment in the Kerr nonlinearity using spontaneously generated coherence in plasmonic nanocavity. Ren et al. [20] have studied the plasmon-enhanced Kerr nonlinearity via subwavelength-confined anisotropic purcell factors. On the other hand, Tohari et al. [21] found giant self-Kerr nonlinearity in the metal nanoparticles-graphene nanodisks-quantum dots hybrid systems under low-intensity light irradiance. Kosionis and Paspalakis [22] explained the control of self-Kerr nonlinearity in a driven coupled semiconductor quantum dot-metal nanoparticle structure. Liu et al. [23] considered the third-order nonlinear optical property of a hybrid semiconductor quantum dot-metal nanoparticle: from saturable to fano-enhanced absorption. Finally, Hamedi et al. [24] have explored the control of Kerr nonlinearity in a four-level quantum system near a plasmonic nanostructure.

The Kerr nonlinear plasmonics in metallic nanohybrids can also be used for medical applications since there will be no damaging effect on the body. Single-molecule detection in the medical field is of utmost importance for disease identification and DNA screening, which can be achieved easier with the ultra-sensitive metallic nanohybrid systems. The applications of QDs and metallic nanoparticles permeate medical science, in particular the use of quantum dot based luminescing biomarkers. The light emission of biomarkers limits themselves to the type of quantum dots that can be safely used in the human body [25] in consideration of toxicity and other factors. Metallic nanohybrids can be used in vivo by reducing the concentration of the biomarkers that may pose a toxicity risk for patients [26].

In this paper, we studied the energy transfer due to the Kerr nonlinearity of metallic nanohybrids, which appears to be a very underexplored area in plasmonic research. As mentioned above, nanohybrids are made of an ensemble of interacting QDs and noninteracting metallic nanoshells (MNSs), while an MNS is composed of a metallic sphere and a dielectric shell. A schematic diagram of the nanohybrid is shown in Fig. 1. This type of nanohybrid has been fabricated recently [25]. We concluded the effect of the dipole-dipole interaction (DDI) between QDs in the formulation of the energy transfer and obtained an analytical expression for the energy transfer using the quantum density matrix method. This expression can be used by engineers and scientists to develop new types of experiments and power devices. We showed that the power transfer occurs from MNSs to QDs mainly by transferring polaritons from the SPP field to the QD. We found an enhancement in the energy emitted from the QD due to the polariton transfer. We have also predicted that the peak of the power spectrum would split into two peaks due to the DDI coupling.



Uh… that’s the right shirt, I guess. Points the way to the substitution of the small letters at the end of the word with cowbell glyphs?

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