Can you guess what this gadget does?


My legit guess is a personal alarm to scare off muggers or stalkers.

It’s a fnord accumulator. I mean, just look at all the fnords it accumulated in this thread alone.


I would be too, if I had my stuff with me.

Torch lighter.

There’s nothing more useless than a lock with a voice print.


It’s a religious artifact.


So did we figure it out or what?

White sound sleep machine?

Yes. But it’s far too much fun seeing what interpretations people are coming up with to spoil it.

It is said to truly be a GE unit that counts off four month lifetimes of inline R.O. plus carbon water filters, at which point you get to roll the fridge forth and replace the filter cowering back there so your ice doesn’t go off-taste. It responds to a reset by counting off four more months.

However, some claim it calls the Militant arm of the Clarion School…those who can’t write nonfiction or creative nonfiction if they try, those who can’t leave speculation alone, drifting.


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