Canadian military police threaten sex worker who offers discount to soldiers

Me thinks they object to the individual encroaching on their perceived territory of sexual exploitation of CAF personnel.
I say this as there have been a long series of news coming out in recent years (and years, and years) regarding the inability of the CAF to stop the sexual interference and sexual assaults committed by their members (leaders and otherwise) and within their ranks.
Clearly they don’t like the idea of consensual competition.

“…noble wh0re…”

Can we not Rob? I expect so much more of you. I didn’t realize how non-SW-friendly BoingBoing authors and readers were. Lots of shitty jokes in the comments.

By the way, can’t use the word wh0re in comments, which is funny that the comment system knows better than the writers.

She points out on her site that the military brass just gave her the best targeted advertising possible, by first contacting everyone in the local command and telling them that there were sex workers offering a discount, and then making a public mess of it to basically go “You know the discount we mentioned? Her, this one in particular.”

To paraphrase General Taylor:
Military logic is to classical logic what military music is to classical music.
I can’t fault the sousaphones, thought. Nothing wrong with that.

It would be interesting to know what the breakdown in motivations between “generic ACAB” and “loves having an excuse to investigate escorts on company time” is.

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(Cpl. Bloggins takes the stand)

Lawyer: Cpl. Bloggins - it says here you went undercover (looks at notes) 42 times…

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