Candle that smells like a motorcycle engine

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Reaching for my asthma inhaler as I read this.

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Tangentially related: Would you buy an air freshener (candle or plugin) that smelled like leather car interior or maybe coffee?


“New Car” smelly candle is available. I think I got that from a Mall type store a few years ago for my car salesperson friend.


“Man who wanted motorcycle to run like candle makes compromise.”

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For the people in your life who inhale deeply when they hear ‘aromatic hydrocarbons’…


Want me to come over and rev the R90s in your living room?


Finally a decent scent in a stinky candle.

High octane? You don’t use high-test in a motorcycle. Have these noobs ever even seen a bike?

Unlikely. The smell is likely to be off anyway; the cinnamon ones are cassia at best, no reason to believe they will get an engine smell right.


I have a giant ‘cappuccino candle’ in a jar that someone gave me that I burn as an air freshener / other smell disguiser sometimes.

I love the smell of two-stroke engines. That is the smell of fun, from my childhood. Skidoos. Outboard motors on a fishing boat. And later, motorbikes. It is mostly the skidoos that come to mind though when I get a whiff. Ridging around on a toboggan or inner tube, through huge snow drifts behind a snowmobile. I’d light this candle for Christmas.


If I were to enjoy the smell of a 2 stroke I’d want it to also have the scent of pine sap. Now that’s a real memory-scent for me. Limbing trees with a chainsaw.

/Does your cappuccino candle really smell like it though? I’ve seen coffee candles, but they never actually smell like coffee.

//Woodsmoke and BBQ air fresheners. Just occurred to me.


2-stroke smell? Nah, napalm in the morning.

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I have a cedar candle that smells decent. Of course, I made it myself with actual cedar oil I extracted from a tree we topped. Very big candle, just a little weensy bit of cedar oil. Doesn’t stink up the whole house.

Bonus: It repels flies and mosquitoes without smelling like the gross citronella stuff.

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Christmas will always smell like 70s plastics to me. The smell of OG Star Wars figures is the most festive scent.

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I was surprised you didn’t post this.

My wife got me a candle that supposedly smells like Istanbul.

The nicer, clean, sanitized and touristy parts of fantasy-Istanbul I presume.


We’re all different people here, but we have similar tastes.

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How did you get the oil? Do tell!

Hydraulic press crushing sawdust.


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