Caracal owner's YouTube account makes me extremely anxious

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that cat looks like it’s built like a pit bull. That is terrifying.

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There was a New Yorker article many moons ago about the (apparently now long-standing) urge to try to breed wild cats into some kind of domestic variants. I love me some cattos, but the line from the article that stuck with me was (probably paraphrased), “When you get to the point where you have a ‘pet’ cat the size of a tricycle, you might want to reconsider your choices.”


When Russian scientists tried breeding foxes for the traits that lead to domestication being possible they ended up with animals that looked a lot more like canis familiaris.


It’s a wild animal. Even if you’ve had it from a kitten, it is not domesticated. Just this morning I came across an article about a guy who barely survived an attack from his “pet” warthog. His Best Friend Was a Warthog. It Decided to Kill Him. – Texas Monthly

Food protection behavior in a pet is not cute. This really seems like a problem waiting to happen.


The small ones chose to domesticate us so their food sources were more reliable. If the large ones settle on the same philosophy, it’s because they think we taste better than wild game.


I remember seeing a video of a woman playing with her pet cat, which I think was a serval. She would hunch over and pat her shoulders, and it would pounce on her back. Very cute, but I couldn’t help thinking “Y’know, that cat landing on its back is about the last thing its prey ever feels.”

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Agree, I think it’s comparable to cutting off a humans paycheck. Lack of food security can bring out some pretty strong reactions.

Found it. Zeus the serval pouncing and batting at his owner’s head.

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Taunting that animal that way seems pretty cruel.

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