Originally published at: Cast photos from live-action Cowboy Bebop TV show | Boing Boing
They sure do look the part. I can’t wait to see John Cho doing Jeet Kune Do.
Please don’t do like the movie and get rid of all the jazz…
12 hours of animation, reduced to 2 hours (at most) of movie? I wish them all the luck, because I think they will need it.
Their casting for Ein, however, is spot on.
Edit: as has been pointed out below, it’s a series. My second comment still stands
(( It’s a series ))
Ten hour-long episodes in the first season, according to this.
I fully admit I was skeptical about Cho until this moment
Holy shit! They need only get Ed this right
Last I heard they got Yoko Kanno & Seatbelts!!
John Cho looks fantastic!!
Enough time to rewatch the series. Not that I ever need an excuse to rewatch the series!
Agree with folks, John Cho just looks amazing. I cannot believe this was the same actor who did Harold and Kumar. Then I remind myself that Keanu Reeves of John Wick fame also did Bill & Ted movies, and all is suddenly right with the world.
Can’t wait to see this, space cowboys!
I was worried they couldn’t pull it off, but I am satisfied with Spike’s hair.
with Yoko Kanno on board, I am officially excite!
Countdown until the newest round of “WOKE SJW FEMINAZI AGENDA DESTROYS COWBOY BEBOP” when a certain subset of people notice Faye’s chest size starts in three… two… one… oh who am I kidding.
Anyway, looks fine so far. Honestly, every single live action anime adaptation, be it American, Japanese, Korean, anything, that I’ve seen so far left me feeling “meh” at best with only a couple of exceptions (and no, the Kenshin movies are not among them), but I’m cautiously optimistic about this one… despite Cowboy Bebop being one of my all time favorites. I really hope they’ll do justice to the characters and the themes.
Considering that Spike as such, hair included, was modeled on a real-life person (Matsuda Yuusaku) it’s just right. I’d been worried about Jet, but Mustafa Shakir is perfect. The only one left that I’m very curious about is Vicious, he’s the one who has me quite excited for this show.
A buddy of mine has been in New Zealand since the start of the pandemic working on this show. Originally he was only supposed to be there for a few months but then the world went crazy and he ended up moving his family out there to be with him so he continue working on season 2. I guess the people at Netflix (or whoever) liked the first season well enough to keep making more.
Me, upon reading announcement of series: “Well, I shall withhold judgement until I actually see the show.”
My brain, upon seeing these pictures: " 3,2,1, let’s jam