Originally published at: Cat Scans is a photo series of cats on scanners | Boing Boing
What a wonderful idea.
The first public post on Metafilter.com was to the website cat-scan.com, which was the same idea. Eventually Metafilter acquired that domain name.
Every year on the site’s birthday, someone will recapitulate that original post.
They’ve kept it alive: RECENTLY SCANNED CATS
I recall the original catscan.com with pleasure. I even sent a scan of my own cat, Splodge. It is a great regret to me that I didn’t preseve a copy of that image. The original catscan site was taken down after so many people complained that it must be harmful to the cats, that the owners could bear it no longer. (Spoiler: It isn’t harmful.)
Came here to say it.
Somewhat similar and still cute:
Does anyone read the posts down here?
That is a great name for a cat of any size!
Nope, not really. Too far South.
I love the cat scan idea but, to be fair, it’s mostly just toe-beans and fuzzy butts.
I mean, if that’s your thing…
Yeah, it’s cute.
I’m not reading these posts RIGHT NOW
Who said that?
Looks over shoulder…
Me too! I have a user number just over 10k, and the only reason it’s that high is that metafilter closed it’s subs for a while in the late 90s/early aughts to retool to keep up with the demand.
I have in fact scanned a cat but damned if I can find said cat scan.
At the time, that was what we thought the WWW was for.
Valid point.
The deeper you go, the better they get.
I trust we’re talking posts here, not cat-butts.
Oh, just made myself cringe…
I sphincter you’ve said too much
I’d best butt out now, then.
Splodge was named by my daughter, Niamh, when she was four years old and Splodge was still a kitten. Splodge was white with grey splodges on her head. As she grew up, the grey splodges disappeared and she turned out to be entirely white. She was the sweetest natured cat I’ve ever met. Her mother and sister, by comparison, were hellspawn. They were aptly named Rascal and Ratty.