Caterpillar cosplay/cyberpunk braces


Could someone post some pictures – a serving suggestion, if you will – of how these might be used?

Think long glove / gauntlet for the wrists and forearms only. This pic gives a better idea of how they’re worn.

Picture this covering a clenched fist and extending up the forearms.

Braces, or bracers?

I thought they were Daleks

I get that. I know what part of one’s anatomy they’d be worn on. But why? When? With what other garments or accessories? What would one’s comrades be wearing? How would everyone be behaving? Would they be worn with, or without, one of those masks by the same maker?

Arm-braces? Bracer’s probably the best description.

I can think of a few parties I could have worn these sort of things at. Good times.
And yeah, they’d go really well with his masks. All way out of my price-point, though. :frowning:

Welcome to Boing Boing.

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