Originally published at: http://boingboing.net/2016/07/18/caterpillar-mimics-a-snake.html
Dear internet: It shouldn’t be this hard to find a video of what this bug looks like when it’s walking. Please fix.
How one can look at this and still think their old & magical book is right is beyond me.
That’s some pretty shameless cultural appropriation, caterpillar.
I wonder what would eat a caterpillar but not a tiny snake the same exact size? That’s incredible.
Call me when it evolves into Metapod.
Something concerned about being bitten by a snake, I suppose.
A caterpillar bite, not so much…
I’m guessing there’s a local snake with that coloration that is very venomous.
There’s lots of precedent for non-venomous snakes mimicking the coloration of venomous ones, because local predators will have evolved to avoid those. Haven’t seen a cross-species version before, but it makes sense.
The Unseen Watchmaker, writ large…

The Unseen Watchmaker, writ large…
The Extremely Visible Watchmaker
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