Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2018/05/28/catholic-church-launches-probe.html
“Church bosses”? Really? I guess ignorance is the new hot thing?
Also that’s not how condensation works. You need to work harder to explain away this one.
Why do divinities insist on speaking through miracles? If His Eminence has the power to make a statue cry, is it too much to ask for a couple words of explanation? What are you sad about Mary? That we elected an obnoxious cantaloupe to the presidency? The condition of the potted plants in the church basement? The price of pork nuggets in that Brazilian joint over in Pawtucket?
Jakers. It’s like trying to get sense out of Lassie.
Hobbs City Motto: “It All Happens Here”
How was living there?
Nobody said anything about condensation.
If it’s an old statue, it is reasonable to assume that it was carved from wood; as it is a large statue probably not from one massive bit but from several joined together. Which is advisable anyway if you want to prevent warping and cracks. The statue is painted. Wood contains resins/ethereal oils.
So you have a block of wood that also has glue/paint/resin/oils in and on it, and it’s a lot hotter than usual. Something is bound to exude from that block of wood.
Most of the time they figure out that someone is applying something. That’s not hard to explain…
Hey @beschizza the embedded video is auto playing (blog view). Can you kill the video please?
Of course. Science demands it.
It is the Daily Star. It’s like a lower quality The Sun.
Fine. Had to get out after a while.
My pleasure!
I am a religionist.
I don’t say it, nor act on it, but every time I see people clutching rosary beads (or wearing clothing of faith, kissing crosses, offering useless prayers etc, etc, etc), my immediate impulsive thought is that they are stupid. I get past it, and do fundamentally recognize that they are actually victims of a self perpetuating system, rather than stupid. Their faith is perfectly, and rationally explainable (but not in the way they think it is).
I’d like to not be a religionist.
As Andrew Loyd Webber said, “Israel in 4BC had no mass communication”. Why do our gods not set up a website or something?
Okay, but what kind of probe did they launch into it? Class-1, Class-5, multispatial?
Details people!
That’s not fair. Lassie makes sense.
This is all I got:
I lived down the street from one of these “miracles” one year. Came home from the cottage after two weeks away and wondered what the hell was with the constant procession of people up the street. Once I found out, and people would stop me on the street and make weeping motions, and say “Madonna?” (many did not speak English), I’d just point up the street.
Plot twist; it wasn’t a miracle! The priest faked it up.
That’s true. Timmy never once died in a badger hole or an abandoned mine. To tell the truth, I’d be a lot more likely to attend the church of a God whose avatar was a dog, than I am one whose symbol on earth is a guy dying from torture.