Originally published at: Caught on camera: Texas cops block disabled veteran from using bathroom and laugh at him when he soils himself | Boing Boing
Ain’t no good cops. Ain’t fucking any.
ACAB, but this is most especially true for the Texas varietals…
i don’t even know where to BEGIN with this one.
Today I learned that this country is so messed up that there’s a standardized bureaucratic procedure to document “I really need to go to the bathroom”.
Holy Hell, I can’t even. ACAB. That’s it. You could squish the barrel by leaning on it just a little bit, it’s that rotten.
Sadistic, evil fucks, all three of them (not that it stops there, obviously).
Its a damn shame he didn’t just piss on the cops. They probably would have killed him though and likely he’s a better man than I am but really, Piss on those Cops.
It really should become a case for all veteran organization to rail about publicly. From the VFW to the Veterans Administration, there needs to be outrage, they need to go after these cops like they are “The Enemy” because in fact they are the enemy against the majority of the of US citizens…
… why is that even a thing
yeah, from that article:
Police spokeswoman Kristin Lowman said Tuesday “the department is looking into the complaint.” Asked if that meant the investigation was reopened, she said no. She did not elaborate.
i’m also trying to understand why a pizza ship has to hire two cops as security, and also – of course – why cops can even be hired as security?
unless it’s a protection racket.
“Police” is becoming a clearing house for such a wide variety of really poor people.
For decency most employers would fire all three of these idiots.
Oh, they’re special! They’re “Police”
So these bastards were “off duty” but “in uniform”; isn’t the “impersonating a police officer”?
Got protect that blue line.
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