Celebrities have a gas with Sean Spicer at Emmy Awards

The best thought about this is that Colbert’s still in character, just a different one, mocking (hollywood) liberals instead of (news media) conservatives.


Journalists every day: media celebrities are all stand-for-nothing, kneel-for-anything hucksters!

Journalists today: I’m so disappointed by media celebrities


Darth Vader Throws Emperor Palpatine Down Shaft


I totally agree that she has every right to be pissed as fuck. I just don’t see how her writing a book about it and going on tour helps anyone but herself. She’s not going to change any minds and she’s not going to strengthen any of the causes she championed.

What would impress me is if she donated every cent the book earns to grassroots organizations that are working to achieve those causes. (Maybe she has, I haven’t heard either way, but I assume not)

Also ripping Trump is like shooting fish in a barrel and it gives Trump what he wants - attention. He’s happy to have his name on everyone’s lips.


I saw him interviewed last week, I think it was Kimmel, and he went full-deflection every time Kimmel set him up to say anything remotely critical of Il Douche.


The skit was far from Spicer redemption. It does give him a bit of a likability boost but likely only among those who are Spicer-ambivalent.


A: “Hey look, Spicer was on TV as part of a joke.”
B: “Hillary should shut up.”
A: “WTF?”


I saw that movie the day it came out, and there was no skeleton face on Vader during this scene - we’re being scammed!


I’ve listened to a couple of interviews. She blames EVERYONE but herself - and blames Bernie, in particular. She f**ked up and refuses to own it. I’d respect her a lot more if she’d said that her campaign was so weak it couldn’t survive the Comey Letter rather than blaming Comey (among a cast of thousands).


There are lots of things happening in the country today that make me angry. Spicer appearing on the Emmys isn’t one of them. I’m more concerned about cops killing people and getting away with it, like the situation in St. Louis.


Amen - poster child for everything wrong with the Dems. And don’t be surprised when she revs herself up for another run.


And then lining up to chant the same thing that the Charlottesville Nazis recently popularized. To be fair, there are reports the STL protestors were chanting the same as do many if not most protestors, but for the police to use it after quelling a protest of police murder and evidence planting (that guy’s as innocent as OJ) can only be seen as a conscious and intentionally polarizing act designed to assert territorial dominanace a la a criminal gang.


Brace yourself - this time around Clinton and the party core will be thinking: “All those Bernie supporters will know how bad Trump is the second time around and they’ll have to vote for Clinton…”

WRONG. Don’t you fucking dare…


File under “What the f***k were they thinking?!”


Don’t blame me. Blame whoever told George Lucas about CGI. :wink:

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And this is why Sean Spicer should NOT be normalized because he would have stood in front of all of us behind a podium with a presidential seal and denied that any of this was even happening.


It occurs to me that if SNL’s Melissa McCarthy had not parodied Spicer (and that so effectively), then Spicer would not now have the ‘juice’ to have any public life following his failure in politics. He should get down on his worn (from kissing Trump’s butt) knees and thank Melissa for creating a possibly money-making shtick for him… except without the laughs.


Oh, so that’s why every dumbass who beat the war drum for going into Iraq still makes appearances on Sunday political talk shows, or why the VP during the Iran Contra scandal became president in the following election (not to mention Oliver North’s regular appearances on Fox News), or why everyone keeps calling Paul Ryan a serious policy wonk.

No, the problem is that even when a person has been proven to be a liar, a cheat, a thief, a warmonger, or a heartless psychopath with ideas that provably don’t work, this country just keeps on giving them another chance.


Maybe this is saying, “Hey, look, when you leave office, people forgive and forget and make all friendly! Wouldn’t you like that, Donald? Leave office, everyone will like you!”


The privilege of power and wealth. Hollywood even loves Mel Gibson now.