Maybe we don’t. Sexism is very real in Europe–to different degrees in different countries but it’s real. On the other hand major European powers have had and have Women as leaders and their campaign was in no way accompanied by the kind of misogynistic vitriol and hatred Hillary Clinton had to put up with 2016.
Our political systems are fundamentally different from that of the US. You could say they have been cleansed by a devastating and brutal war. Most of us in Europe started with a clean slate in 1945. And this time around the electoral system worked (unlike the Constitutional mess we call Brexit)
So no, I don’t think this was about gender. Gender was a total side show–if anything it made Ms LePenn look slightly more palatable as a Nazi.
This Election was about Xenophobia and Racism, pure and simple. And for us in Europe there was more at stake than at any time any of us can remember!
French voters voted for a United Europe and that is a big deal on a continent that has been at war with itself for Millenia.
The current backdrop is that two of the major Imperialist Powers of Europe England and Russia seem to have decided that it would be a great idea to replay the 19th and 20th century. And French voters told them where to go.
This vote was a vote against Nationalism (and the French can do Nationalism as well as the next) This vote was a commitment to aligning the national interest with the interest of others. It was a rejection of the French version of America First.
The majority of the French electorate 53% (if we take account of the abstentions) voted for a United Europe that acknowledges the plight and the right of refugees. A Europe that recognises that it has a problem, a Europe that is willing to collaborate.
And you have to remember that 234 people were murdered in France by terrorists in the last 18 months. All the perpetrators were of Northern African origin. Can you imagine what the mood in the US would be if over a 1000 people were murdered by Muslim Terrorists? America Mega First anyone?
And another side note: in the UK 37% of the electorate voted for Brexit (the turnout was 72% lover than in France today) yet there is a rhetoric as if the other 35% didn’t even exist. Nigel Farage is peackocking around like he is the sun king accompanied by an ever obliging BBC. The conservative government is practically declaring war on Europe. because. based on the overwhelming mandate.
So if the bloody Brexit vote was overwhelming then the vote against the Fascist in France was double overwhelming. Let us acknowledge and celebrate that and then move on with the real work of trying to leave a better world to the next generation.
Sermon over.