Charlie Hebdo cartoon of Queen kneeling on Meghan Markle's neck

I get what you’re saying, but what would a bunch of French satirists be trying to deflect attention from? That, my dear fellow happy mutant, what I ask in this situation. And to the best I can see, the French here are enjoying the chance to drive the knife home in accusing their neighbours across the Channel of being just as racist as the Americans, hyperbole.

Post-Brexit Britain is simply fair game to the French again. But hey, not like drunk and sunburnt British tourists are going to storm their officeOH MON DIEU! Cachez-vous sous les bureaux, il y a un Anglais avec une arme!



As far as what race they get treated as goes? Really? You might want to reconsider…history would be very different if that were anywhere close to true.


I don’t think having to deal with overt racism is something Black Americans can ever completely put behind them regardless of how much wealth and power they acquire. Look at Obama: he attained the highest office in the country and he STILL had do deal with shit like Fox newscasters calling Michelle his “Baby Momma” and baseless conspiracy theories about his religion or his nation of birth or the hidden extremist symbology behind his fist bumps.


People were discussing the royal family and their relationships with Meghan Markle before Charlie Hebdo made this cover. Now people are discussing whether this cover is racist and/or inappropriate.

As for what they are trying to deflect attention from, I have already suggested that they were dirtbag left (Or a prototypical form) in this topic. There’s too much punching down, and not enough punching up.


Fucking always!!!


The issue here isn’t the Royal family, except in how it relates the racism of the Charlie Hebdo cover. That’s what people are interested in here, I suspect, not random gossip about the Royals.


As I suggested they left the left long ago and are as left wing as the Marxism Today and Demos crowd…


Okay. But again, the topic here is something broader (racism expressed in this hamfisted cover) that impacts the lives of people here on a daily basis. That’s why people here care about this story, because it’s illustrative of how people can’t get away from racism even if they “look white” and marry into fucking royalty.


I’ve stated it repeatedly;

While I could give less than a fuck about the royal family, and I’ve never understood some people’s fixation, I CARE A HELL OF A LOT ABOUT RACISM.

RACISM is the topic at hand; that it concerns a member of the royal family is incidental and not really what’s relevant in this discussion.


Either way, it doesn’t change what I was saying, that they want to distract from the racism. All that changes is the reason why they want to distract.


animation dog GIF by Super Simple


You’re off topic, and no one can even flag you for it.


Than don’t derail this thread which many of us are finding value in discussing issues of racism, please.


Regardless to however YOU may feel, it was and is.

And quite frankly, it’s annoying how often people are willing to derail uncomfortable topics like RACISM and SEXISM in favor of their “feelings.”

Especially when people with power do it.


I don’t feel it was off-topic, but it was a minor observation – the connection between the world’s obsession with “the royals” (which I find frustrating) and the publicity here. I’m fine withdrawing my posts, so I’ve done so.

I think the evidence shows that it is on topic, but debating it is a lose-lose scenario, so… :man_shrugging:

I think it’s a matter of relative scale. There are big-picture topics here like racism and police violence against minorities. The topic of the royals and/or the obsession therewith pales in comparison, to the point of being essentially irrelevant.

Right. And to be more um, local, the long “obsessive” threads here on the revelations of racism among the royal family are about the racism, not some obsession on the part of most commenters with the royals (about whom, I’d wager, 98% of bbs commenters couldn’t give a shit otherwise).


Doesn’t the royal factor give it many orders of magnitude more publicity, such that it’s more likely to be acted upon, and result in … some kind of outcome? Or no?

Some outcome with respect to Charlie Hebdo? The royal family? Racism in general?

Are you saying that the Charlie Hebdo cover is receiving widespread publicity only because of the royal connection or that the royal connection is bringing attention to the murder of George Floyd? Because that seems like a stretch. This isn’t the first time Charlie Hebdo has been in the news for, ahem, insensitive covers.