It’s a lot easier to pretend something that looks at least vaguely like a baby is a human being, rather than something that looks like a lumpy tadpole, much less a mass of undifferentiated cells. Since the anti-choice position is predicated on certain feelings (as a pretext to justify patriarchy, granted), gotta use lies to engender those feelings, reality doesn’t do it.
You are lucky. Keep on not knowing who he is, there is only pain and suffering in knowing.
I didn’t watch a lot of Curb Your Enthusiasm, but my recollection is the end theme would play as Larry would find himself in some absurd predicament or generally awkward situation, usually as a result of his own personality defects, usually feeling (or having been revealed to be) ridiculous. So it’s not entirely inappropriate in that context. But the theme song wasn’t created for that show, and its use isn’t just a reference to it - the circus-y quality lends it to uses where the clownish nature of one or more figures is being highlighted, there’s a focus on the absurdity of a situation, or even where it’s being used in ironic juxtaposition to something that’s not-at-all funny to make it ridiculous.
Yeah, blastulas don’t translate well on protest signs.
Do you want ontogeny recapitulating phylogeny? Because that’s how you get ontogeny recapitulating phylogeny.
Something something “ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny”…
There is a point far back enough, where I couldn’t tell an elephant fetus from a human’s. I suspect that this is really not the issue with this guy.
Any America that Charlie Kirk approves of deserves to be destroyed.
Is it though?
Is the fact that Charlie Kirk likes a good XXL pegging (not confirmed) really what’s the matter here?
Are we really sure it’s not racism, wealth inequality, rampant abuse by police, insane Q-anon conspiracies gone somewhat mainstream? 'Coz, I was pretty sure I was more worried about those things than which consenting adults were shoving what where…
Now he seems to be actively encouraging people to infect themselves with the Covid-19 virus for “freedom” because of course he is.
It’s a deadly bioweapon. It’s a hoax. It’s just a common cold. It’s a Chinese lab experiment. And it’s the embodiment of American freedom.
Covid-19: It’s whatever conservatives want it to be.
Are they just against abortion because it prevents them from sacrificing another human being in the name of their death cult?
Perhaps something from Bojack Horseman would be more appropriate in this case.
Lest we forget, the guy who co-founded Turning Point USA with Charlie Kirk died of Covid-19 last year.
To go from losing a partner to Covid to championing it as “Freedom Flu” a year later… it boggles the mind. It would almost be like Rock Hudson’s partner going on TV in 1986 to tell everyone that they ought to get themselves some of that HIV action.
Hope he reaps his bad karma, hard and soon.