Check out the new Wonder Woman trailer

“In your satin tights, fighting for your rights…”



I just hope that Gal Godot really is the one all the world is waiting for.

Come the glorious revolution, I’m totally making a DC/Samuel Beckett crossover movie.


POWER. GRACE. WISDOM. WONDER: IN A WORLD where none of these will earn a woman the vote…

[quote=“euansmith, post:58, topic:82035”]
I’m like the WW1 setting; though, it does mean Wonder Woman can’t take Emily Davison place at the 1913 Epsom Derby.[/quote]
Part of the backstory, where she kicks the King’s horse over the stadium? (I know nothing about superheroes.)


To be fair, that searies was trying to be a bit light-hearted. Like Batman was a decade before.

I think the WW theme was the best part of that show.


I really enjoyed the series; though that might have had to do with me being a sweaty palmed adolescent at the time.


That’s probably because in every previous incantation he used his powers for good. To find humanity’s goodness and inspire the rest of us to be like him. Zack Snyder seems to think that if someone had those powers they would invariably use them for too much control and eeevil!

Because, obviously, that is what Zack Snyder would do.


Too much Ayn Rand and not enough Siegel and Shuster. I’m hoping that Ben Alfeck moves the action to Boston and casts Matt Damon as the Riddler.


I need to know - does this film pass the Bechdel Test? With limited time left on this planet I have decided to pass over all films that don’t.


Considering that the main character lives on an island where men are forbidden it would be pretty darn impressive if it didn’t. (“Impressive” in a bad way, but still)


I can see an easy way to fail the Bechdel test for the info given in the trailer:

  1. All the early shots in the movie are of the male lead, establishing who he is and how he gets to the island.
  2. We are first introduced to Diana in the beach shots where she meets the male lead, as already seen in the trailer.
  3. Any conversations that take place on the island between the female inhabitants concern what to do about the man who has arrived among them.
  4. Diana and the male lead leave the island; any further conversations between women are about men, as with the “secretary” conversation shown in the trailer.

From the subhed:



A common trope of “where was Wonder Woman” on her origins (and can easily tie into this film) She tried to bring peace to the world in WWI. It didnt work so she went home. It was time again to come out of hiding to try to help the world again.

Also, If she was anywhere in the world rather than India or Metropolis, how much help could she have given in that time?


They gave WONDER WOMAN a male lead.


Well, that sure answers that one, all right.That’s what I get for not being up on my WW history.

I’m still holding out hope that he’s less “male lead” and more “comedic sidekick”.


Thing is that there is something much more relevant about The Great War than that: nobody gives a flying fuck about Archduke Franz Ferdinand* and the fringe separatist Serbian terrorist who killed him. What we care about is the massive overreactions by states to a minor act of terrorism. Yes it is minor. One fucker kiled: millions of people killed.

The parallel with now is an important one. I’m very sorry for you if one of your loved ones was killed by a terrorist, damned if I want to destroy the world in revenge for it.

Which is precisely what the Internet Hard Manbabies who have dominated the policy discourse for the last decade and a half want to do.

*Bonus joke from Eric Hobsbaum - we were talking about Hungary’s great tradition of football teams during the European championship with a colleague who had drawn them in the work pool - one of Franz’s descendents lay dying in the 1970s, or so he says, and hearing a crowd asked an aide were they there for his death, the aide replied no, they are coming to the Austria-Hungary football match. “Oh, and who are we playing?”


Also in common with today: Ferdinand’s death was just an excuse for a war that was planned long before that happened.

Germany’s leadership were terrified of Russia (with some justification), and had been looking for an opportunity for “pre-emptive defence”. The assassination gave them the pretext they needed [1].

Incidentally, for anyone with an interest in WWI, this is very much worth the time:

The entire thing, told in “real time”. Each week’s episode covers what was happening this week 100 years ago.

Very well done, and appropriately lacking in glorification.

[1] It was, of course, a lot more complicated than that.


Someone once wrote that the best things about the Wonder Woman TV series were holding up her costume.

My Google-fu has failed me in finding the actual quote, though.

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Because Enemy Ace is cool and it would be fun if Wonder Woman ran into him.


I will have to give those a listen.
You have to pay for them now but also very good is Dan Carlin’s history podcast has the 5 part Blueprint For Armageddon which goes into great detail about the causes and the early war.

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