Check out this massive repository of art made by the GPS maps of runners and cyclists

Originally published at: Check out this massive repository of art made by the GPS maps of runners and cyclists | Boing Boing


That’s great fun. 21st Century Nazca Lines.

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How many of them are dicks?


All of the cyclists.

Just kidding, just kidding! I’m a cyclist, and every forum I’m on gets swamped by people yell-typing “cyclists are asshole who should stay on the sidewalks.”

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That one in particular makes me fondly think of Etch A Sketch :slight_smile:

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Lenny Maughan in San Francisco makes some amazing work. Lot of fun to follow him and have some amazing thing just appear on my feed.

EDIT: This was like, two weeks ago:

Nazca Lines to Nerd-zca Lines


Don’t forget the balls!

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