Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2020/11/26/check-out-this-moving-duckbill-face-mask.html
*Things you never knew you needed, until you did.
Well, it’s an improvement over “duck lips.”
There’s a word for the kind of doctor who would wear a mask like this in a medical setting.
You can call a doctor a quack, but you can’t duck their bill.
The original link I found for this was shady as hell.
A Boschian Hell. (The getup needs a funnel hat for full effect.)
You and my grandson just made me order a big guy size and a child size on Amazon. Curse you for making me spend money. Seriously, why do you think the Amazon seller is shady?
Three different vendors with no reviews on amazon with three different prices but all using the same pictures of the same model with the same mask. What a coincidence!
Hope you actually receive your masks.
That’s enough. Leave our doctors alone. Who will be next?
How can we know for whom the bill trolls?
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