why stop there? arm the patients. they may not have universal healthcare but the NRA would be happy to support universal gun ownership.
Autonomous machine gun turrets at every door!
There were no fatalities besides the shooter. My worry is that the president will parade this incident around as a “good guy with a gun” success story. To the end of time.
ETA: nevermind
No more GUNS!
This would never have happened if those doctors had simply stayed in their lane.
Count is up to four right now, including shooter. Developing situation.
“Please send your prayers.”
Well, that should help.
If there was a loving god, things like this wouldn’t happen.
When you consider how many guns are manufactured each year, combined with the number of people killed by gunfire, that ration is only getting… better?
Fuck, man. America should be barbecue, or mac ‘n’ cheese, or hip-hop. But no, it’s a fucking gun.
Thank you for the update - I spoke way too soon.
content: You know your dear friend Bunbain has been working at the same hospital for 12 years now. I remember when security looked like mall security and there may have been one floating around at any given time. Now they’re indistinguishable from city police except by looking at the arm patch. Can’t walk through the main floor without seeing security. Plus a K9 unit a few years back. Do I feel any safer? Hell no!
Never even knew a code existed for an active shooter situation until about three years ago when a housekeeper told me. Then they tested that particular alert system maybe two years ago. We had a real alarm just this year for shots fired a block or two outside the hospital. No one was hurt but we are all witnessing a crescendo in action it’s getting worse
So, the incident began as an argument in the parking lot but the shooter ended up inside the hospital, had multiple clips and reloaded at least once.
Since when has multiple clips been necessary for “self defense?” Let me guess, just in case you’re involved in a public space shootout? If you’re in a shootout then one of two things are possible:
- You’re the police
- You’re the bad guy
What I’m trying to say is if you carry a gun around with multiple clips you are a bad guy. You are a person who’s up to no good! You’ve got bad intentions!
“Please fill out this release waiver. You have 20 seconds to comply.”
@IanBrettCooper Vulcan is a loving god, the God of Guns.
@Bunbain “1. You’re the police 2. You’re the bad guy”
This dump of flip memes has been brought to you by my inability to cope with the daily news cycle.
Can’t say that thought didn’t cross my mind. I suppose it’s a necessary evil at this point.
Come to think of it… if there weren’t any guns in the world, the police would hardly be necessary at all!
“The only way to stop a bad guy with a pointy thing, is a good guy with a pointy thing.” This message was sponsored by the National Pointy Thing Association.
If only there was a gun in every baby incubator.
And, just to show that this isn’t hyperbole, that there actually are people that think this way, here’s a reply to @xeni’s tweet:
(Yes, it could be a bot, but there’s a reason that the bots are successful.)