Chicken parade protests proposed chicken limit

“I like a duck in the back yard” is not an euphemism then?

See also, the Seattle version of this story (featuring goats instead of chickens) from a few years back:

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I hear the ducks the most, but they are definitely the most pleasant.

The real problem is that this guy is “THE Neighbor”. He has all these animals ( including two dogs). He has a house boat, an RV, and a Vanagon camper van that he all street parks for storage. He put up a new fence and took another foot of the greenbelt he fought some easement/property line and won after like 7 years. He drives across the greenbelt to park in his backyard in a new gate in that fence now.

Everything he does is “Within his legal right” but everything adds up to him being a massive asshole to his neighbors. He is also probably the first guy to parade down the street with his chickens in protest, and I can see him doing it gleefully with a BBQ afterward or something.

I apologize for disparaging the ducks.

edit: missed my point, added it.


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