Chinese food seller sells "addictive" opium-laced noodles


I’d like to know what the anti-regulation, ‘let the market decide’ people have to say about this.

Other than ‘they think it is a good idea, if only the government would get out of their way’, I mean.


If you want to sell noodles, sell noodles. If you want to sell drugs, sell drugs. Don’t mix the two, it’s only really ever worked for Coca-Cola.


This has all the earmarks of a BS story to me. It comes from China, plays on the idea of food contamination, and doesn’t make a lot of sense. Poppy seeds often end up in food, and no one raises a stink. There aren’t many news stories about coffee shops putting poppy seeds in their muffins.


usually ends up with job loss

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Have you ever tasted Coca-Cola flavored noodles? They suck!


This has all the earmarks of a BS story to me

Opium is hideously bitter (or so I hear from a friend). “Improve the flavor”? Sure.

I have had some tasty Sprite|7UP noodles

Actually, more than one variety… This was the most recent: Korean Cold Noodles | fabliss

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Between the pot brownies, the opium noodles, and my roofied cocktail, it’s gonna be one heck of a night!


Not sure about pure opium sap but fresh poppy pods, which contain very little opium, don’t taste bad.

True. It is conceivable that the noodle guy added too little opiates to affect the flavour or to addict the customers, but still enough to show up on whatever mobile opium detector the Chinese traffic police are using. In which case, face palms all around. Still, I remain a skeptic.

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not that i am one of those people, but there is a quite legitimate case for calling it fraud and assault if the presence of opium were not disclosed to the customers (and were present in sufficient amounts; this is where it gets tricky, of course, since you need regulations to establish this, but they tend to gloss over that part).

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I think everyone is glossing over the important factor here: 2kg of something that gets you high for less than a hundred dollars.

Way to bury the lede.


Honestly those (anti-regulation) people should be made to watch Alan Greenspan over and over - in his address to Congress when he said he ‘entire life’s belief system was wrong’ that markets could regulate themselves. Because when the most conservative administration, in the most conservative country turned Communist by buying up AIG, and bailing out wall street after it had spent years of coming with evermore convoluted ways to gamble with our life savings - then we can pretty much expect that any government will ‘let the market come up with the beautiful solution of dumping the whole mess on the taxpayers’.

Or they will say leave it up to tort law- and people suing each other in the courts. (But then they also want tort reform).

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Come for the pasta, stay for the…

Totally with you on the “smells like bs” front. Like any story about “keerrazzy” Japan or “unscrupulous” China, it’s probably worth taking this story with a pretty big pinch of opium.

In my European country we buy poppy seed by the pound. Kids love noodles with crushed poppy seed, sugar and butter, people make cakes that can contain 50% of weight in poppy seed. There is nothing wrong with the practice and you will not get high, even after eating the entire batch of cakes with half a kilo (slightly more than a pound) of poppy seed. Unless the poppy seed was harvested before it was ripe.

You WILL fail a drug test even after eating a bun sprinkled less than quarter of a gram of poppy seed. There was even Mythbusters episode about that.

I wonder what was the stuff that this Chinese restaurant owner purchased. Was it poppy seed or crushed dry poppy seed pods? The pods contain more opium, but still not enough to make you addicted. To get raw opium you have to scratch poppy seed pods - special variety, not the one used for seeds - while it is still growing and scrape off that milky fluid that they produce. You could get high from such raw opium, but its laxative properties are much stronger than intoxicating ones.


What are the chances these crazy stories from China are true?

You can safely presume that any sensationalist story from the British Isles that reaches the global blogosphere/press is 97% bullshit as it was most likely found in the Daily Fail.
The bloggers and journalists who rewrite the story to their own language usually know it’s crap, but pretend to believe it just for the click-bait value of the translated article.

Presumably the same for Chinese shocker news, no?

The ones I’ve had do, lemme tellya.