CHP officer who stole and shared nude photos of traffic-stop victim claims "it's a game"

Then use an impartial third party. Why let the same legal system which allows these abuses be the arbiter? Doing so would be obviously a losing proposition, regardless of who is involved. Expecting your government to be unbiased in policing themselves is just naive.

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What alternative legal system do you recommend?

I wouldn’t want to impose my thoughts upon those concerned. But since you ask…

I’d go with an updated version of the ancient tradition of hiring a knowledgeable outsider, as free from bias and affiliation as possible, and hiring them to arbitrate. This would force both parties to debate the issues in good faith and carefully consider and articulate their arguments as equals. Unfortunately, it would involve compelling some judicial personnel to participate by force, as they are probably unwilling to voluntarily cooperate. But it’s not like they don’t do the same thing themselves on a daily basis, so my sympathy goes only so far. Then publicize the results!

The difference is that they will need to argue differently in a setting which is actually impartial, rather than one they claim is impartial while lording over it with an iron fist. So the self-congratulatory procedures they usually rely upon to control discourse would fail them. Also, being able to publish and publicize the results without state and mass-media interference is a crucial distinction.

I can’t speak for the legality of this in California, but it is legit and fair in the 7th sector of The People’s North-Eastern Autonomous Zone.

You Sector7 types, always lording it over us Sector 5s with your fancy-pants ideals. You get the Sixes to give you safe passage to the border, and we’ll show yer some Judgin’, hoo boy.


Border? Wasn’t geographically-based government abolished ages ago? Better brush up on your networking skills, my friend!


US cops are fucking criminals with badges. Makes society not care when they get shot and killed.

Let’s start with something since nothing seems to be the idiocy du jour. I actually don’t mean my suggestion seriously, but I’m awful enough to say the things that other people aren’t.

I can’t believe I’m actually typing this, but compared to US police I’d characterise Australian cops as saints. They usually don’t get in anyone’s business unless you’ve given them a good reason to (MMV as you get darker in skin tone) and I don’t recall once hearing of them doing anything like what’s happened here, or in the recent case where they set up a fake FB honeypot account using someone’s personal photos.

The fact that they think the law doesn’t apply to them, as proven by judiciary’s general inaction over past abuses and a continuing parade of asshole pigs doing asshole things, illustrates that something is entirely wrong. No pension, just the same punishment and outrage that has been levelled at, say, the fappening? Out on their asses with every charge possible is how they start to fix this.

I meant retirement and 100% replacement for the force with pension prorated to time in service.
For those who can be charged, let the legal system work as intended, eff the pension, and maximum sentencing for betraying public trust.

"Everyone’s doing it. "

Oh, well, ok then.

Trial by combat.   It won’t really be any better, but it will be much more entertaining.

Bonus side effect, professional mega-sports will go in the dumper. Let’s see the NFL compete against televised duels to the death!


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