Christ, What an Asshole

Oh, they do…

Republicans are entrenched via district gerrymandering, voter suppression and mass indoctrination via rampant astroturfing. And, speaking of indoctrination — like the Democratic elite (see Hillary Clinton), they’re also empowered with massive amounts of corporate money and, therefore, a complicit corporate media (FUD support mechanisms and the like).

These corporatist lackeys are out-of-touch with average Americans (just listen to them talk), yet they feel invincible to some extent because of their Sugar Daddy arrangements. Some of these lackeys who prefer cash over power will simply ignore their constituency and work for their rich owners instead. When the public eventually wakes up and votes them out of office, they are set for life with bribes in the form of cushy lobbying jobs, etc. after they’re booted out.

Lackeys that want to remain in office simply count on the corporate media to support them. For example, they bribe the media to:

• Continue to work for them against challengers (see strategic, local media blackouts on Sanders). Here’s looking at you NBC, ABC, CBS and FOX (of course).

• Induce an ignorant electorate and/or an apathetic, misinformed progressive citizenship that doesn’t even bother to vote at all because they’ve been coerced into thinking it doesn’t matter. Voter suppression has been incredibly successful for our current status quo.

All this makes the wealthy elite and their political lackeys extremely powerful, but with power comes hubris — and hubris will be their downfall.

Except for a few outliers, this corrupt status quo isn’t expecting Sanders to win at all, much less bring with him a revolutionary grassroots movement that does vote and sweeps the midterms afterwards to enact things like a true single payer system for health care, breaking up the banksters and the corrupt war machine, etc.

The status quo still doesn’t quite understand what’s going on here. They’re so used to the same old games, astroturf, etc. that they really don’t understand the dynamics of true grassroots movements — and they’re somewhat out of their element against them.

They realize there’s an election coming up and think the current machine will continue to protect them. However, they’re just not entirely ready for a true grassroots, word-of-mouth resurgence in the United States. The grassroots movements that support, enable and surround Bernie Sanders are completely blindsiding a lot of the status quo and that’s why they’re already going into panic mode and making critical mistakes.

We’re flanking the corporatist right (some elite Democrats and all Republicans) from all sides right NOW. Not next year, not in 5 years… the movement has already started.

“This isn’t a seminar, this isn’t a weekend retreat.” ----